

Ask @ViktorijaPetronaviciute

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u r so preety i like on u but dont know how to tell u,please notice me in skool im unpopular and not dat well know but i pls notice me <33333333333333333

Please stop this, if you want me to notice you, inbox me on facebook.

stop complementing urslef with long para u r so sad and stop dotiing people u sound rude 2 think i liked u aswell.

I 100% promise i don't compliment myself with these paragraphs. Firstly because I know I am not all those things the person has said, and secondly, i spell correctly. And how does 'dotting' sound rude? It's a full stop, it is used at the end of a sentence to show a person were the sentence ends. And also oh well if you liked me, it doesn't make a difference to me since i don't know who this is.

you are so peng ur a lithuanian beauty u r the prettiest girl i have ever seen and i want 2 look like u wen i grow up u r amazing and ur a natural u should be a tumbler and u shuld do make up tutorials ur eyes r really nice wish we culd swap ur hair is stylish and ur face is clean any guy wuld be lu

thank you.xo

what the actual? .. what have you pathetic lot got against lesbians? grow up, and have a little respect for her maybe? and so what if she was a lesbian? .. what if your mum was? or your sister? i know your not viktorija but yh if you're going to hate on her, hate on me first - /daniwbu dumb shits.

Indeed i am not a lesbian, but what if i was, why should that change your opinion on me?:o

trust me, i know how it feels. i know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you. i know how it feels to wait until everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart, for everything to hurt so bad you just want it all to end. i know exactly how it feels.

cheer up hunni, you have so much ahead of you.
i promise life will get better, just stay positive bby!

Have you ever laid on your bed at night, and just cried? Cried because you’re ugly. Because you’re not good enough. You counted all your flaws from head to toe, to punish and feel worse about yourself. Cried because the comments people blurt out, actually hurt your feelings. :(

Not even going to lie, but yes.

vikky, where do i start? your beautiful, stunning, gorgeous. your amazing at art, your talented, your a great gymnast. you are an inspiration, i feel like i can tell you anything and i feel like i can turn to you when my mates leave me. my life would be nothing without you, dont ever change, i luv u

This made my night.
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Language: English