

Ask @ViktorijaPetronaviciute

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sighs teachers just dont understand...

yup he got out one of those scanny human metal detector thingys and he was going to scan us to see if we had our phones on us

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How was exams?

boring eww someones phone went off in the hall so Mr Micek gave is a 15 minute lecture about how we're not aloud phones in school blah blah blah and it was Charlotte Philpox's phone-_-

You told me you liked my hair but you did not know me you are the fool.

how did you even find me on ask.fm stalker much? yikesss.

You do not know me

Then how am I suppose to guess who you are if I don't know you? fool. If i've spoken to you then that means that I must know your name then?

Why do people make a big deal about it , and you ain't that beautiful either

idk, and I know i'm not beautiful thank you for agreeing with me.


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