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Describe me baobei hahahaha I know I shouldn't call u baobei but I juz called hehe

Yi Juin Fbr
What is wrong why i owe everyone a describe? Haha. Ok nvm. You're crazy oh. You don't really照顾image lo haha. That's what I like the most about you. You are shorter than me hehe but slimer than me too hmph. We were once prefect and we quitted together haha. Our type how can be prefect? Lol. Your video are very funny tbh. Do upload more ya. Close with Sze n Yinn n Annjo. Stay happy ! That's all haha 'baobei' xD

Describe me xD

You <3. What should I say <3 You're my bae <3 and a lot more. You mean a lot to me<3. It's really hard to find someone that can sacrifice for me but I've got you <3. I felt protected when you are with me<3. You are pervert hehe xD. <3. You are very sexy, pretty and cute! <3. You always make me laugh no matter what <3. You are extremely主动 just the type I like the most <3. Xoxo<3. Actually what I wanna say you already know right? <3. Putting love in every sentence to tell you that I lap youuuu <3 ! I lap your everything!!! <3 Muackssss ❤️


She's pretty and always says that she's ugly. She's slim and always complains herself fat. She's tall and always says that she is tall *鄙视* Her photos are damn abnormal especially snapchat's pic lol. And when she sends normal pic for you, you will feel that it's abnormal haha. Generally she's a great friend who will do a lot of things for you. Your secrets are safe with her haha. She will help you through out your problems. She's really a friend worth knowing. She's very主动 that's what I appreciate about her.


Language: English