
Yena Adhisti

Ask @YenaAdhistiII

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kalo di suruh milih, kamu lebih milih dikhianati oleh sahabat atau mengkhianati sahabat?

I'm not choosing, I've been in both situations, and both of them is sucks

Kamu biasa tidur saat lampu dimatiin atau dinyalain? Why?

remang remang, I hate darkness, but too much light makes me hard to sleep

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Kamu lebih mengikuti pikiran atau hati nuranimu?

mostly hati nurani sih, but some of times, logically

Pendapat kamu tentang photo tapi caption nya gak nyambung, gimana ?

Honestly It's up to them, is the caption that not related to the photo bothering you?😅

Pernah ngalamin patah hati? Gimana cara ngatasinnya?

Menyibukkan diri? Find something interesting that maybe you can move on from your problem, maybe a new hobby, or a new friends?

Pengen jadi pecinta senja. Tapi kata mamah gak boleh keluar magrib. Ntar diculik wewe gombel


Apa yang bakal kamu lakuin kalau semisal kamu kejebak Frienzone? :))

Take a step back, don't hope too much, being a friend is enough, you can't refuse the reality.

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

I'm grateful for whatever I've in my life. My family, friends, work, and everything Allah's planned for me.
Liked by: Massinofro22

Film apa yang lagi pengen kamu tonton di bioskop? Dan sama siapa pengen nontonnya?

OP-Stampede, i wanna watch with my bestie, but she's not a fan of anime, so-


Language: English