
Sierra Lynn

Ask @YoullBeMyWings

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What's your favorite thing about your crush?

Ah there's too many things!
I would probably say, like whenever we get mad at one another, there's always the time after the fight where we say we're sorry. I can't ever get too mad at him.
&& probably that he's like the biggest sweetheart, whenever I'm sick (like lately) he's offered to come over and take care of me even though he's been sick too.
He's just amazing. ❤
Liked by: Lucas Stull

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Does Lucas get jealous of guys flirting with you

I honestly don't know, because I don't pay attention to the people who flirt with me. Only to the ones that flirt with him.
So ask him I guess hahah (:
Liked by: Lucas Stull

I was warning u so u don't get ur heart broken

Alright, well thank you and all, but I got a good heart and I know he does too. I have trust in him as he does for me. That's all that matters to me anymore.
Liked by: Lucas Stull

Don't go back to Lucas he is playing u and other gurls

Please don't say that.
I trust him to know he isn't.
So if you're trying to start stuff,
Please go away. I can't handle it tonight.
Liked by: Lucas Stull


Sweet, funny, spontaneous, protective, thinks cute things to make me smile, loving, someone who can be my boyfriend and my best friend. Who can get along with my family, likes hockey and or plays it, and most importantly someone who can deal with all my imperfections and still say they love me at the end of the day.
Liked by: Lucas Stull

Hun don't worry about her. I know what happens I sit with you I know you pretty well. So be happy. You and Luca are so cute and perfect together and I forgive him!!! Love you girly

Dakota Jackson
Thank you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much that means to be. Thank you for being here for me.
Liked by: Dakota Jackson

What about of all your ex's even from Joliet?

Out of every single guy? Uh. I dont even remember to be quite honest so im just going to go with luke
Liked by: Lucas Stull

New anon. Im happy that you are happy and i hope this time it works out... but there is a reason why u two broke up and there is no reason to believe it wont happen again. Just warning you,(: again hope this time works out cause you are too beatiful for any sort of crap (:

Things happen for a reason, yes.
But there's also the saying "if you love something enough then let it go, if it comes back its meant to be"
So who knows.
Thank you though ❤
Liked by: Lucas Stull


Language: English