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no I wont because I am bullied more than anybofy in yhe svhool I am told to kill myself evrrybody my dad walked out in me my life is a mess and people who try to help llike u make it worse cux ur a liar

Hey, i am sorry about all this stuff. I am so sorry that people make fun of you and i hope that everyone stops. Who are you? I'm sure you are not as bullied as me. Its okay though, just a little bit of bullying goes along way. I am sorry. You are gonna be okay, stay strong. But if you are being bullied then you of all people should not be bullying yourself, you know what it feels like so you should not do it yourself.

well soke people are scared to like people post cuz it cuases more drama have u thought bout that get a kik and message people make em happy that way

No because i don't have the technology to do that, sorry.
Liked by: Jordan ⚓

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u probably a person nobodh likes and is trying to make them like u

Yeah I a a person who nobody likes and that is why i am doing this. People like you are the reason that other people hurt themselves. Can you please think before you type, thanks.

no cuz this is bs

Please. I am not doing this for me. I want to make all the people who know what its like to be made fun of, to be laughed at, and to be hated. I know what its like to not be loved and i know how people feel. I don't understand why you cant just let me be me. I have been bullied all my life and i want to make everyone feel good. I hate being bullied, I hate being laughed at and when people compliment me it makes me feel so much better, it lets me be able to be happy again, which doesn't happen often. I love being complimented because it makes me feel perfect, it makes me feel loved and not weird. So thank you.

if u say who u r but dont stop and when people question u just be honest theyll know ur just a nice person not a bitch

Can you please stop. I dont want anyone to know who i am so just stop!

no because it irritates some ppl like me to be complimentdd and not being ablr to properly thank the person and I will continue to be a pain in the ass till u expose urself

No becasue if i exspose myself everyone will think i'm an attention seeking b**tch. You said so yourself.

ur just some attention seeking bitch and ur building up all this and will say ur name then everyone will jnownur an attenton seeker just wait

Umm. I was actrully never planing on telling people who i am. Sorry, and can you please stop being mean to me.

i cut. what do i dwo.

i am not going to tell you to stop, i am just going to tell you to think about why you are doing it. Is it really worth all the pain? Don't hurt yourself. Stay strong baby. And Rember, you are as strong as a rope, when it gets cut it breaks, don't break.


Im just trying to be nice and this is what i get in return? I don't understand! I am a pretty good person, i am being nice to all of you and all you give me back in return is hatred! I can't take it! People who are thanking me for doing his are nice and amazing. If you don't have anything nice to say, than don't say anything. And thanks I know i'm weird, trust me, plenty of people have already told me that. Now can you not be mean, thanks.


Language: English