

Ask @Yoursonice

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do you self harm

Not anymore. I did in like elementary school, but i stopped. I got help and i am okay now.

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didnt you ask people questions about you and gid ?

No. But im pretty sure that was one of my friends. Idk who thoo

If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

I would give most of it to charity, and then the rest of it i would give to my cousins cancer treatments.

Can you recommend anything to read?

Wonder. It is a really good book about how this boy was born with a facial dysfunction and he was always made fun of and eventrully he goes to a public school and its about his struggle in public school. I can really relate.

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

Well I wrote a book about how this girl was always made fun of and iit was really depressing and it talked about all of the people who she used to love always turned there backs on her and eventrully in the end she found out thatshe really only has a few friends. Oh wait. Thats my diarrry. Nevermind.

Earlier you said that you were single, I thought you were dating Gideon.

I broke up with him a wTommorrow would of been our 2 month. :(

Everyone just shut the hell up and stop giving her shit. She was sososo nice to everyone and tbh she actually made me happy whenever I felt like shit bevause of what she did. She's such a sweet girl and you all don't know her so fuck off . Ily sweetheart screw them they aren't worth your time

Thanks you sooo much Nikki! You really made my day. It means a lot to me seeing all of theses people who actrully care about me. For once in my life, i feel loved.

What do you think about vegetarians?

Well i have respect for them because they cant eat bacon. Soooo I used to be a vegiterian and then somone introduced me to bacon.

Why do people lie?

Some people lie to protect others, some people lie to protect themselves, and then some people lie because thats all they were brought up knowing.


Language: English