

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Which type of response pad do you guys or the pro players prefer to use? Also where can I find some green coloured response pad? Thank you!

From the unique perspective if seeing what people ask for, yellow, natural and red are all equally popular.
Green we don't get a lot if requests for but we will make them available.
Liked by: Anthony

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Does yoyofactory sell spacers you can put in the bearing seat of a yoyo in between the yoyo and the bearing to make the gap wider?

We do not make a yoyo that would make sense in.
Liked by: Anthony

Any new supernova color ways set to release

No, we might reset supernova this fall, as it will no longer be Tyler's flagship throw....
Liked by: Anthony

Will there be yoyofactory hats at triple crown, or on yoyoexpert website

Not this summer. Looking at fall. We spent our budget on new hardware this year to make fall exciting
Liked by: Anthony

new colors of shutters?

We are pretty happy with the current assortment. Aqua, gold, red, black are currently in stock across a spectrum of stores plus two regular splashes and both the alien galaxy at yye + the Ann shutter. So not right away.
Gentry Japan Aqua (rewind exclusive)
Then Shu-TA
Then we are at worlds... So maybe by August yeah.
Liked by: Anthony

What are the colours of the Shu-Ta that we can expect when it's released?

Pink and Silver. Not sure where we will go with this, ie if it will be regularly produced. It's fun. We liked it. Let's see if players do too!
Liked by: Anthony

are u gonna make a new run of super G's ones on yye too expensive becuz of 7075

No. Gentry plays shutter now as a primary throw. He still plays other yoyos as practice tools (G5 and G-funk specifically) but super G is retired.
Liked by: Anthony

Do you guys sponsor Shane Karen? I met him at the Ocean City boardwalk and he seemed like pro-demonstrator, Did you train him? He was amazing

Shane has been good longer than we have been around. Proud to know him but we don't sponsor him
Liked by: Toby

Hello, could I ask why did you retired Severe 09? I know that Tyler has some newer signatures but I think(Im probably not alone) that the 09 is still the best! Did you ever thought on revive it? Maybe 1 new run would make billion peoples happy....

In 2009 you should have bought one! We made about 300 and they sold super slow.... Hard to justify making more.

What's the reason you guys don't sponsor contest? And don't go and say the 5a patent because there is no statement in it that says that a company without the patent can sponsor a contest with 5a.

Whats the reason you guys dont sponsor contest And dont go and say the 5a patent

Can you give us the nam for Shu's new signature throw and maybe the specs ?

SHU-TA is a collaboration signature yoyo. Shu gave us a list of his likes and dislikes of his favorite yoyo, the Shutter, and we took it from there. We changed the most critical element, material, to 7075, then redistributed the weight to allow a wider center bowl with a slight concave for finger spin access and control but kept the shutter step Shu uses in his 1a play. The end result was impressive, so we made it to share with you!
Can you give us the nam for Shus new signature throw and maybe the specs

What do you think what yoyo that suits me best?my style of play is flow,grinding,and long horizontals.. :D

Long horizontal flow huh.


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