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Woo! glow pgm :3 Are you guys gonna make new shirts? lol

Certainly. Team rocked a new shirt at Cal States, this spring we will drop a new set for stores

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When a yo-yo vibes, is it a bad sign? What actually causes yo-yo to vibes? Thanks

Vibe is a misused ill defined term. It's meaning has changed more than once. Generally it is wobble people are trying to describe when they use the term. Causes?
1. A yoyo isn't round. Imagine you squash a perfectly round half and make it slightly egg shaped. The substitution only has to be tiny for it to be noticed.
2. A yoyo is not 'square'. Not in shape but in the sense the corners if a cross section are not equidistant... Ie you keep your yoyo in your pocket and sit on it.
3. The middle isn't in the middle. If the bearing isn't concentric to the rim by a fraction of a human hair you will feel it.
Is it important? Historically it wasn't, then it wAs, now not so much (but still a lot to a few). Explained? Pre grinds no-one cared. Historically bearing yoyos wobbled. Enter JD and grinds in mainstream and people interacted with their yoyos differently. Now it is give and take. Smooth is nice, it allows marginally longer spin (not functionally longer but whatever). Smooth is a sign if precision but elite players don't care. Their yoyos spin long enough, they grind well enough and some even argue they like the feedback a little vibe gives them.

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Liked by: Jeremiah Jose

how to prevent finger burn when doing string tricks like Eli Hops?

Gloves, practice, dry calloused hands

Budget Metal under 20 bucks, Loads of people can't afford a budget metal but A cheap one would give you loads of sales and make it as revolutionary as the fast 201

If we lowered quality, cut back on promotion, sold out on the service you get from good retailers yeah we could do it.... But if you want that junk just go to ebay and buy the stuff available there now.

Glow PGM?

Good idea! glow collection is due to wrap up with Wave 2, but if things change we might take that idea!

Why Jensen Kimmit's name is not on the new Northstar like the previous batch?

It wasn't on the last batch, or one before that.

When will be next relase of czm8? And which colors? Sorry for english, iam from czech and dont speak well

In production now. 3-5 weeks till release

Are there plans of taking out the czm8 font/logo on the new czm8's next run? The prototypes looked really good and classy, but now with that huge font in the middle, it's made the yoyo look quite kiddy :/ no offence meant.

Sure! Every run will be different.

this may sound rude but i'm not trying to be. When do you respond to emails? I sent you one 2 days ago and i have no response and now i'm not able to yoyo due to scares of breaking mine

So you sent it on Saturday and now it is Monday? If you want 24hr customer support you are going to need to pay more for your yoyos.
Expect a response today.

My protostar got responsive so I cleaned it yesterday, Now it is acting responsive once again and hit me in the head.... What should I do?

Duck next time?
Do you clean it well?
Is the bearing dead?
Is it something other than the bearing?

the first glow 1080s had differences in play compared to standard 1080s. is this the case too for the white glow?

Elite AA players swear ever color plays different.


Language: English