

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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I heard a protege resigned. You guys should sponsor people who are totally excited about your products, not people who just want to be sponsored by deep pockets to get their name promoted. Do you think I'm totally off base here?

With Proteges we take the suggestion of a Team sponsored player. It is their choice and the relationship is totally dependent on the sponsored player. For some it is beneficial both ways, offering guidance and support to the protege and offering perspective and clarity to the sponsored player. Sometimes it doesn't work out at all, which is fine. Sponsorship is not a live long commitment. It isn't like owning cattle, we don't brand our name on anyones rump and own them for life. It is a decision both parties must agree to every day if not sponsored players would just be mindless drones and companies could treat them as such.
If the shoe didn't fit it is better not to wear it.
Liked by: Total Artist

Why didn't Patrick Mitchell compete at the worlds? Didn't he won the Nationals?

It takes a large commitment of time and practice for a campaign at Worlds. Pat couldn't do that but has begun practicing to retain his national title

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Is the czech mate light on the hand?The feeling of it?It says 66.9gm?But I want to know the feel though

Good question. I'd say it feels like its weight. Definitely not light feeling

Just brought a gold center trac and my mind=BLOWN. Its the best bearing ever, its soo smooth and stable! You guys are the best. :D

They are pretty ridiculous.
Liked by: Does It Matter?

Why does Yoyofactory no longer supply the 888 series anymore, or at least update them?

The 888 serves as a gateway into high end. If people want the best but are not necessarily the most skilled it is excellent for them. Online this group is berated but we don't begrudge them, we make them a great yoyo. For this purpose 888 has been filling a need and right now continues to do so in its current form.
Liked by: Justin Lieb

When is BLC this year? I've searched online and haven't found anything.

Google: BLC yoyo 2013.
3rd one down
When is BLC this year Ive searched online and havent found anything

wats one of the new colorway for the new supernova

We just released 2 a week ago.... They are the new colors

you will stop the czm84vk production?

no, we love this yoyo. The SLUSNY pink is this months release, we have one more and then will move it into our production line (no prototype mark!)
Liked by: Does It Matter? ioio

I feel accomplished. My friend has been yoyoing for over a year and I've only been for half a year and he said that I'm better than him. And that I'm almost better than the best yoyoer in my town that I know of

I always think the best yoyoer is the one that has the most fun doing it.

Will some of the YYF team be attending either or both BLC and DXL Battle within the coming months?

is there a DXL battle? We will have a SOLID crew at BLC. Tyler, Pat, Clint and Seth roll in from AZ + Pat Borg, Paolo, maybe UNG if we can get him and Paul Han might come down too.
Liked by: Darnell Hairston

Which would you recommend, the new Superstar or the Proton?

Both have advantages, what are you looking for? Proton is a little more traditional in size, shape and feel, superstar is wide a rim loaded. Right now I'd get a galaxy proton just for looks!

Do you sell hubstack bearings by themselves like without stacks just the bearing? I only need one

Yes, most retailers can supply them or email contact@yoyofactiry.com and they will get you a direct link


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