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Harold's pressuring you. That's not good.

he is just making a really good case by doing really dope tricks.

What trick is paul han doing at 2:37 in the ProtoStar video? Please answer

I would describe it as 'the trick Paul Han does at 2:37 in the Protostar video'..... not every trick needs a name.
Liked by: Rio Lara

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What was your inspiration when designing the iconic G5 and 888 yo-yos? Love the new Superstar btw :) Looks incredible!

Rudy Benavides
Thanks! G5 was about new concepts. Stepped profile/H-shape had not been released before it hit the market. It was extreme, futuristic and functional. Hubstacks didnt exist. barely functional spinning bearing caps in quantities less than 100 pieces had been around but not in enough hands for players to really push it (a few exceptions here I will apologize for not mentioning names). We also knew it was too shocking, too new for a lot of people, so we made a vanilla version for the masses. It was 888. Interesting to note Grind Machine (which basically is a genesis in profile) was released before the 888 and didn't garner the interest the 888 did, but has survived as a modern competitive shape much longer. One thing 888 did deliver was stupid smoothness in a time no-one did deliver it in quantity. In this era metal yoyos were produced in runs. when the run sold you couldnt buy it. There were times where no metal yoyos were available at stores and metal yoyos weren't used in competition because they weren't good enough.... this was only 7 years ago! The bump on the 888 was a joke, people called it H shaped because of it. It was unique and distinctly YoYoFactory. Now stepped profiles, smooth metal in quantity are all staples. The YoYo industry is undergoing changes every day with excess supply now causing pressure due to so many new brands entering the market. It will drive innovation, something we are again excited to be involved in.

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If I will let you to get sponosr and I'm too good , you won't sponsor me . Beacuse alot of people said that you don't give sponsor for the people who want your sponsor , so what should I do ? And what 's the worthy thing should I need ? I CAN DO ANYTHING .


I got a new string and put it to good string tension and when I try to do my whip the tension is messed up. Help!

There is no secret to good tension. the better you are, the wider range of tensions are good.

How do you master circular Eli hops? I try really hard but once I get to the part where I bend back the yoyo just starts spinning on its side.

the yoyo never changes its plane. You need to move your body.

What happened to all the Fundametal yoyos? (JK, Frantic, Hectic, Nova, Tactic, Lunatic, and Chaotic?

The project appeared to run its course as demand for small diameter yoyos declined. A couple of them are still out there in stores. We continue to offer the G-Funk and DV888 as low price, small diameter, high performance options.

I do use a CT for my super g, what brand would you recommend for a string?

Kitty string Fat is nice

Still can't do hop the fence. Like when it goes over it still comes sideways I try putting it over my finger but still goes sideways. Help!

yeah. One day rarely makes a difference. Practice for another week then come back and tell us how you are doing.

I am sort of beginner turning intermediate and im already doing atomic bomb, seasick,kwijibo,boineboing,and protrusion. Is this a good thing? Please answer

they are some good tricks for a beginner!
Liked by: Dylan Tamondong

My mighty flea came in with peeled response pads. What should I do?

push them back down? they are recessed pretty deep and should stick. If you have any trouble send an email to contact@yoyofactory.com

Alot of people can do the circular elihops but no one can do it like John Ando , so what should I do to do it good as him ?

And telling you to practice isn't an option?
Learn the trick first obviously. Despite it looking like 'a' trick every hop is basically a new move to learn transitioning from one direction to another. While the yoyo is in the air move your body. Don't take your eye off the yoyo
Liked by: Dylan Tamondong

Whts a good set up for a 6061 super g?

We honestly set em up stock how we prefer. Gentry uses CT bearings. If you want to add a CT consider a thicker string from a boutique brand maybe as you will loose some response.

John Ando is my idol , what should I do to be like him ? And please don't say practice beacuse alot of players practice , but they aren't good as him .

John pays close attention to other sports combining their influence into his yoyoing in terms if tricks but more so in style. + always practice in front of a mirror.

What's software do use to edit your videos ?

We have videos made using after effects, fcp and even just iMovie

I sent an email to you guys and i havent gotten reply

Sending an anonymous message here won't help. Try again or use the contact@yoyofactory.com email address

What gap setting do I use for my lubed 1080s? Tight, wide, or mid?

There is a key, you can turn it and try all the settings. Which one you choose to use is your decision.

Lol I don't speak Japanese but do you think I will be able to go to the 44festa!

If you know where it is and can get there I can't see why not!


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