

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Do you guys have any plans of promoting yoyo in places that had the last yoyo boom such as south america but are now somewhat dead, or is it too much of a risky investment?

We try! It isn't possible without someone on the ground to help make it happen. Last year Paul Han did a trip to Chile so if we can get the support we will try our best to make it happen.

How's Harold gearing up for worlds?

This week he is hanging out with Gentry putting finishing touches on his freestyle. On Thursday he will fly back to Arizona where we will have him hand test a special batch of HOT we will release as his contest edition.

How is the 888 more expensive than the Genesis?!?

Hubstacks, packaging and extra stuff in the box.

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"Pretty much every major contest in the world." Excuse me? Last year what major contest did a yyf player win except Shu, Patrick, Patrick, Tyler and Vashek?

Who said 'last year' and btw 44 Clash and BAC don't rate a mention as big contests to you?

How many times should I practice the trick to get it smooth ? I know it's different for everyone but I want to know . Please reply !

There is no number..... Apart from the 10,000 hrs it takes to contend at worlds

When will you stock the new SuperNova and The new SuperStar and the new Genesis ? And which is bettter ? Please reply !

Superstar will release August 1st. Supernova will have a 'soft launch' August 9. Genesis got bumped back as we are making some special ones for Luis for Worlds but a general run will come later this year with no fixed date.

Hello Tyler , I can learn any trick but I can't get with fast , smooth , power . What should I do ? I want to be better . PLEASE HELP !

Tyler has finished answering on ASK, but we asked him one last question for you........ TYLER: PRACTICE! No-one is smooth at the start.

Can you explain the basics of the protege team?

Sponsored Team Players are offered the opportunity to select and manage an up and coming player. YoYoFactory offers them a budget in terms of product and they also become officially 'on the radar' for higher level Team positions.

Soooo anything similar to the Catch 22/13 in the making? :)

Superstar has been heavily influenced the c22in the zero wall aspect.

What exactly is the Yoyofactory Bombsquad?

It was never 'yoyofactory' bombsquad... But it was just a group of friends who promoted yoyo in their other pursuits. It appears not to be very active right now
Liked by: Dylan Tamondong

Will the G.5 ever see reproduction or a reboot?

That's an oldie! It would probably be more like a hubstack POPstar would be how it fit in now and we can't get the cost right to make it work.
Liked by: Dylan Tamondong

What is going to be different with the new supernova compared to the 2012 supernova? Any changes to the shape?

Yes. Next week we will be announcing all the changes and details.
Liked by: Scott brown

YYF, do y'all sell hoodies or jackets and if you do can y'all restock them before winter need to get my yoyo swag for school.

We will have something this fall!
Liked by: Does It Matter?


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