

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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There seems to be a lot of praise for USA made yoyos when compared to made in China yoyos. Do you see any real tangible difference in quality between a China run of yoyos compared to an USA one, or is this a simple "We're supporting America businesses rather than China" thing?

We make yoyos in both. So we have nothing to gain by promoting one or the other. USA is great for flexibility, smaller runs and quicker turnover. China offers better pricing and generally for us less cost in scrap and defects. Performance wise we see no big difference. Our top contenders for worlds will be throwing a mixture of china and USA product. We are also looking at producing in a third country.....

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I really like your stuff,you are the best!!!But I have a problem))) I like heavy yoyos.What would you advise me with weight more than 70-72?Stacked Gen considered)))

What's a mutant DNA run at? We are making some 68.4 genesis that feel 70+ they are probably the closest we go to playing 70gm yoyos

What yoyo did Tyler use to win worlds in 2007?

Freehand? Not sure, it was before we were associated. Fh zero probably.

Do you have a customizable yoyo

Yes, many of our yoyos are customizable. Velocity by the turn of a dial, 1080 by the turn of a key....
Liked by: Kubaaa :)

Do you only manufacture in one spot?

No, we make yoyos in multiple factories in the USA and china.

you are worst yoyo company ever ! you are doig it for money !! not for players ! CLYW is much better than you, you fucking bastards. and don't forget to delete this, fuck you YYF !

The owner of Yoyofactory has been playing 20+ years, head of marketing 15+ (top 5 worlds), sales 10+(2x USA national champion), shipping guy has 10 years (usa regional champ) and that's not mentioning the other 2 players in the office who can lay claim to 2nd or better at USA nationals (one of them is a world champ)
We started in a shitty 2 bedroom apartment. 10 years later we have an office and a warehouse.
We did this changing the yoyos players use forever. 15 years ago metal yoyos were $150 novelties. Looping yoyos were not even designed for pure looping. We put $10 bearing yoyos in kids hands. From this a generation of new players were created who became champions. We made metal yoyos the hottest yoyos on the planet, then pushed against this trend making performance plastic, something others are now catching onto. It's ok, we are pushing another direction soon too! We always offered choice and variety to players and always had value options to suit budgets. You didn't need to spend the most money to get the best.
Team wise.... We invest thousands of dollars in players every year, more than we bank in profits goes to our team. We haven't made them rich yet but every day we actively try to build an environment where in the future that could happen.
We go out and promote yoyo unlike anyone else in the industry.
When our yoyos became too cool we made them for everyone to enjoy. We are not about scarcity and collectibility, we are about making equipment for players. If you think yoyo companies shouldn't do this, well I don't apologize, but forgive me for not agreeing with you either.
Who are you and what have you done?

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Don't you think it's stupid making signature yoyos for players that haven't designed them? I mean.. what's the point..

If it is what they use, no. Right now it's before 5am, I'm working on one players signature yoyo to his exact specifications and we have another who did the CAD himself. Some players don't know this much and just like a feel, for them working with experienced designers is critical to creating a signature yoyo.

Can you explain plastic vibe?

I'd love to answer this question but you are going to need to be clearer asking it. I don't really know what you mean.

Do you know if there will be an AZ yoyo contest? I want to maybe do enter it for the first time (there was one last year near me).

Yes! To join an email list for news on stuff in Arizona contact tyler@yoyofactory.com

So you know in the yoyofactory website there is the team section and in the Luis Enrique there he is with a blue yoyo in the pictures. I just want to know what yoyo he's using it looks cool.

Genesis Hubstack

First,in the question: Have you ever visited Colorado or toured there or sponsored a yoyo contest what does SCR mean?

Google time: 'scr yoyo'

Have you ever visited Colorado or toured there or sponsored a yoyo contest

Yes, yes and go to SCR, Tyler Severance is!

Instead of getting sponsored by yoyofactory, could we ever just work for you in general?

We have hired lots of players so sure!

I am planning to buy a yoyo from yoyo expert. Would you recommend a protostar or a popstar or a grind machine

Protostar. Best all round performance. Popstar is small and fun, grind machine has fun hubstacks too but protostar is legit performance


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