

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Will you ever make a yoyo that lights up?

If we can add something to the existing offering available. Yes.

Did you guys keep the Instagram contest winners photos?? Or did you just look at them?

We do not retain the images

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Will you ever have a yoyofactory anniversary?? And have a throwback of most of the yoyos you have produced in the past?

Tenth this year. Still looking to the future.

Is there a yoyo that sums up yoyo factory or will you make one?

Fast 201. Some people will never understand it let alone appreciate it.
Liked by: Steve Brown

when u will release another catch 22?

We have designs, but we would need to commit a lot if time and effort we don't have spare right now
Liked by: ioio

How tall is the tallest player on your team? I sometimes play yoyo in front of a mirror and I look so awkward and unnatural.

You just need to find your style. It may be unique but the best players are.

Know any yoyostores near Los Angeles?

Pier Kites Redondo. Kite Connection Huntington. Sports Chalet...

Will any other yoyo feature Z-stacks other than the G5 and Catalyst?

It takes a vey stable yoyo to pull them off. Original 'Califonia' was great with stacks, superstar sometimes, DNA is great too

Will you guys ever reproduce the Skyline?

We almost did this year! It's on the radar but not scheduled.

Why did u change the original cap for the one star?

The original caps were made in a phone (seriously). The white ones were also temporary. The new red ONEstars cap will become the standard.

Do you have plans on releasing the G5 again?

Yes, was originally slated as fall but we might push it back until later this year.

why did u postpone the onestar

We got them in.... And found a flaw, so we scrapped them all, fixed it, then released them.

Will you ever put hubstacks on a protostar/onestar shape? That would be pretty cool.

We considered doing it for a holiday release. Still considering....

That is awesome. I think it is so funny when people get so emotional about yoyoers and companies. I know this is a company but you guys rock!

We are you players first.

Can you purchase yoyos at your Arizona factory( I don't want to purchase online)?

Sure, if you are in Arizona you can also purchase from Game Daze

What is the next big project you guys are planning? Any new yoyos/ players joing yoyofactory?

The next chapter is interesting. High end metal is really stagnate. There are lots of good yoyos out there. We want to stand out again. We want to be best at both ends which offers lots if challenges especially because we still need to keep the lights on while doing it. The bigger brands in yoyo are lazy. We want to promote yoyo and are getting lots if support from retailers who want yoyo to grow too.
Lots of people don't like change. We embrace it and enjoy the transformation.

Is yyf Europe independent you don't have any power over them? Must I assume you are 2 different companies?



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