

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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"The new red/black silver is the best color too" its going to have the same prize?

Not sure. They are getting built and hand tested by Harold (every one comes with a hand signed card). They might be a little more.
Liked by: ioio

Any tips for stage fright? Been yo-yoing since fourth grade and just graduated high school this year and I did the talent show and it went really well but my nerves were killing me.

Be aware of your body. Know you will be nervous. Feel it. Hand on heart, or pulse, take a deep breath, expect it and know you can perform in that state... Then go do it.
Liked by: Dylan Tamondong

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is a longer axle nescessarily better for a design than a shorter axle.? why do people say longer axles lends to a smoother yoyo.

The axle is just along for the ride. It plays little role in how smooth a yoyo is.

You guys think Gentry Stein will win worlds this year? :D

He is one of the top contenders. It's shaping up to be an epic contest.

Hello YYF , my dream is to be sponsor by YYF and I practice everyday but some friends said that your sponsor is bad they said that you can't go to all contests and YYF don't care for anything , they only care for the money . So what do you think ?

Your friends are dumb. Get new friends.

mighty flea release DATE

As soon as we have them ready. We have all parts in hand and begin assembly within 14 days

Are the rubber O-rings on your hubstacks a standard size we could get at a hardware store? They crack with age and heat.

Yes 005 I believe is the size
Liked by: Jake

Why doesn't yyf Europe offer every single edition of your yoyos. We feel like Europe is bit forgotten by you guys. Is the European market less important?

It would help you to direct this to Yoyofactory Europe. Email them directly

Why was the Starlite discontinued? Or are you making new versions?

It was in neon collection. The collection was always limited production.

Why do a lot of your metal Yoyos cost so much? The 888x is only 50x60x60mm, and the metal itself isn't all that expensive. The bearings and responses aren't that much either. I know you need a large profit index, but $100 is a lot for a yoyo.

So buy one of our less expensive yoyos. It comes with a premium finish, a bunch if extras and is available through our distributors all around the world. If you can find better great, for some this is the best yoyo at the best price they will be able to get.

I want to start learning 3a... I own a shaqlerstar and a protostar. I don't have any money to buy a match pair. Would that combo be fine to start on??

Great pair! Long spins, good to learn moves. Get into the blue line mount stuff. Kinky


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