

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Been looking at ex machina pics, is the side wall sunk in for finger spins or is it raised up? It's hard to tell from the pics.

Raised, like cyborg 2
Liked by: Total Artist

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1) Shu-Ta or Shutter? 2) Shu-Ta or CzechPoint? 3) Shutter or CzechPoint? 4) Why is Gentry Stein still prefer using shutter than Shu-Ta?

Liked by: Total Artist

Just got a Replay Metal in trade. Mind=Blown. Pls make more. Pls. Its the perfect everyday carry yoyo fr me. So pls guys I request make it a regularly run yoyo. N send some to yoyostorewind.com so i can order some.

Bhargav Sharma
Glad you liked it but it was a limited run item
Liked by: Total Artist

If I pop out the caps of my Replay Pro. Will it just get lighter or introduce a lot or any vibe? Also how much lighter? And if I get vibe, how to fix it? Also how to get the caps out;) Thnx fr the help. Yyf rocks. Tell Gentry the Replay is amazing!

Bhargav Sharma
Don't take the caps out.

What's the best way to fix string tension on the Nine Dragons?

Keane Usman
Hold half the spinning yoyo, throw a bind into the gap and put your throw hand perpendicular to do a tornado bind. The twist adjust tension. There are many ways post bind.
Liked by: Total Artist

Hellooo! Do you know if this Shutter is legit ( aliexpress.com/store/product/2016-KK/1608027_32674603935.html?storeId=1608027 ). I live in Russia, so due to shipping costs this listing looks good, but I am worried that it might be a bootleg or stolen from the factory, etc. Thank you!

Store exclusive in China. Legit product
Liked by: Total Artist

i just got my edge in the mail and after like 10mim of play the bearing died on me

We test all parts, but no-one is perfect and sometimes beatings do get debris in them that comes loose with use. If you can contact us in a non anonymous way we can get you a new bearing
Liked by: Total Artist


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