
N E M O (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻

Ask @Zalkyriie

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Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Animals, ofc. You can always learn to speak another language, but there's noone who can teach you how to talk to animals o_O
Liked by: Rainbowsdoll

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Where do you get style inspiration from?

Harajuku, I guess~
And also alot of amazing people I see everywhere(like irl, conventions and internet) :3
Liked by: Angelique

What's the last book you read?

I've never read a whole book, huehueh
I don't even remember the last time I read a book <.<
But if Manga counts, then it was Demon Diary no.7 ~

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

Bohemian Rhapsody ofc~

What's your morning routine?

okay, this is for the days im home all day~
1.Snooze for like 2-5 hours
2.Lay in bed for one more hour
3.Get up, put on pants(i sleep with a shirt)
4. Go to the toilet
5. Smoke and then go to my beloved computer~

det finns dem som gillar dig men inte vill säga något ;)

Pfff, om nån gillar mej så kan dom väl säga det? Annars kommer ju ingenting att hända ._.'

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

Teleporting, cuz fuck Sweden
and also make money from poking on things(by think like "BE MONEY")
Then I'd go to Japan and never come back~

jag rekommenderar starkt att läsa lite om det ^_^ det är ingen drog - för din kropp blir inte beroende utav cannabis! även hittats i flertal gravar som är över 8000år gamla ^^ finns knappt några läkare som har kunskap om medeciner dom får bara skriver in symptom i datorn och så får piller/biveverk

It's still a bad thing

vad tycker du om cannabis?

Aldrig rört/provat.
Jag är emot alla typer av "droger" sålänge det inte är för medicinska skäl(och då ska det även utföras av läkare).

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

Probably black, cuz it matches with everything, and I can always use wigs~

What is the furthest place from home you've visited?

Gran Canaria when I was 2 y/o
After that I've never outside of Sweden, BUUUT next year I'll go to freakin' Japan~ <3


Language: English