
DhairYa Dhanak ∞

Ask @a_dhairya7

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Gauri? :o
No your name is watchman (Nepali) :p
Umm wht to say abt you..
Okay so here you go :)
I still remember the first day we met
I was quiet shy to say much at all :p
It's funny to think back to tht time :D
Gauri is very phunny,nimbu pani freak, secretly weird lyk me, smart sometimes, very pretty, vry full of herself but in an innocent sweet kind of way, always laughs on my jokes :p , obviously acts like a dumb blond sometimes..haha! alia bhatt part two you are xp :p
I hate you for pairing me wid such ugly random girls -.-
When I'm hurt u care fr me, whn m angry u calm me down.. :)
U have always been there when I'm bored or lonely and whn my spirit needs a little lift.. ^.^
I cannot thank you enough for that❤️ :(
Ooh gawd, our chats.. Horrible they are..u always start arguing :p can't you chat lyk a normal person huh xp
Your replies are so funny at times..I laugh my ass out :p xp
Btw..thx for bearing me man :p
But you always underestimate my talent yaa :'(
I just hate you fr that :/
We have had the most awesome times though we hardly meet :)
We have made each other laugh so hard :p
And yes we have gotten into sme never ending stupid arguments xp xp
Never change u idiot :*
Stay blessed :)
And ha..
Remember I signed u for Nimbu Pani With Gauri Bhasin-the show :p
Kal se shooting chalu.. so be on time u unpunctual girl :p

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