
aaron m

Ask @aaaronmoloney

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Would you prefer a girl that dresses classy or one that looks comfy in sweats?

if its casual friday do yo thang gurl! but i must admit i love a classy girl

I'm so sure it's true!! :))<3 why are you still single? & who cares if you smoke or not :/ btw it calms people down, relieves stress, and some other stuff

yeah you know what youre talking about, represent!

Can cause a disease, makes your health bad and makes others worse by second hand smoking, doesn't come off you clothes even when you spray yourself with cologne, yellow teeth and early death.. :(

what diseases can marijuana cause?none
the only factor in my body being affected by the weed would be how hungry i am! besides if im with someone who doesnt smoke weed im not just going to light up a joint and blow the smoke in their face?! if you want to be smoke free thats fine with me!
i never dank like weed except for when i smoke a fat blunt, other than that i can just spray cologne and ill smell as beautiful as a starry night in muskoka!
i swear im not going to die any earlier than the average death of someone my age who doesnt smoke
and btw if you have yellow teeth from smoking weed you need to lay off the cheetos!!!

Aha honestly Aaron you're the hottest guy I've ever seen ;) & you're super nice ugh any girl would be so lucky to have you

ahaha thanks ! thats not true ..;)

best features for a girl you look for?

long straight hair with nice skin and pretty eyes !!! if you have an attractive smile tho <3

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

when matt naft and i smoke marijuana together behind the g-hall! and then go on crazy adventures and laugh alot
Liked by: Milosh Tasic

tbh you are a sick guy and really funny and Ive only met you once at pipers party but we gotta sesh sometime <3

hahah thanks man yeah lets sesh soon!


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