

Ask @adelaalexandra_

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wow you answer with alot of thoughts, you're kinda awsome foe a girl ;>

"awesome for a girl" wow ok thanks

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

I'd say im pessimistic as heck.
until it's EXE , then im the most annoyingly optimistic person in the world for like 1 h 30 minutes and I scream at my team saying optimism is key

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how's the theatre duologue ?

it's alright I guess I'm just that one person who is never in the mood for theatre
but Z Ho says we have the shape of it already now we just have to add like depth/layers to it

It's Relaxation Day. How will you unwind?

piano lesson at 12.30, Chem tuition at 3pm-4.30pm, going to see if I can catch the WYTC match at 5pm at SOTA since my tuition is in orchard, and then I have French Tuition at 5.45pm so yea.
and I also have to find time today to finish my Chem tuition homework,work on my ELCT essay and revise for the history test on Monday.

are you a very religious girl?

Im orthodox (it's kind of like catholic but stricter and the really "hardcore" people do a lot more fasting/vegan thing).
I won't consider myself "very religious" because I don't go to church , reason being that in SINGAPORE there is only one Orthodox Church and the services they conduct happen at very weird times and not like consistently like its not a fixed schedule, but I do turn to my religion a lot and I pray a lot and read the bible and I guess I've grown a lot closer to God this year after I decided that I had to better understand my own religion before I could actually fully believe in it which I did so by reading the bible on a regular basis.
and I guess I do let a lot of religious aspects influence the way I think and how I live my life . for example whenever I go through like a tough period I always remind myself that it's a trial and that like its a blessing in disguise because a God's strength is made perfect in my weakness and this may sound cliche but to me learning to cast my worries to God and let him decide what's best for me has really helped me to get through a lot of things that I thought I would never really recover from.
so about me being religious, even though I don't go to church #orthodoxlivinginsingaporeproblems (like I said earlier, there's only one Orthodox Church in SG and their service timings are very weird) it doesn't stop me from believing in God or for thanking him for everything he has done and has blessed me with or from praying or reading the bible.
So yeah, I'll leave it up to you to decide if I am very religious or not.

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Do you pick and choose your friends?

I don't really like pick out specific people and go like "oh I want to be friends with you" like when I talk to people it's pretty much like if we click we click and like you know if we're meant to be friends it will happen you feel but I don't force myself to make friends with people???? does this make any sense
but I guess I do "choose" people I want to end ties with because at the end of the day you have to protect yourself like if your friend treats you like shit and you don't think it's a healthy friendship or that the friendship is good for you then it's your CHOICE and you have every right to cut ties with the person because we're always told to eliminate the negativity from our lives.
at the same time, for me anyway I'd rather walk away then be somewhere where im not comfortable so yes it is also a choice

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*BROADCASTED* Juniors you know/talk to & juniors you want to get to know better (please answer this once and for all)

ok uh
Natasha V
Ewan Mcrae
Su Yean
Some of the year 1s and 2s in tchouk
these are the people at the top of my head but I guess I'm generally chill with most juniors also I promise I don't bite

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

depends on what Im giving advice on im quite stupid la so I guess I'm not good with advice

OMG I can't believe that you blocked me. 😧 -thatanonsweetie

I didn't? I don't even know how to block people lol

Bikini body comment was no sarcasm. First thing that popped to my head when I saw your IG

okay thanks I guess

do you still talk in singlish like primary school?

YA tbVh im literally the biggest auntie/ahlian of all time


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