

(i am anew kid at school)I have some friends problem right now and I was feeling much better by the weekend. Then, I saw pictures that they have uploaded on tumblr and they all partied without me. and some new kids were invited too. Now I am EXTREMELY down. Bipolar? I aint sure. what should i do?

I wouldn't say that's bipolar at all, Something has happened to make your mood change. With bipolar nothing happens except a chemical change in your brain! Maybe they had already planned these things before you had joined the School or whatever it doesn't mean that they don't like you or don't want to hang out with you! Try and just involve yourself with them and get closer to them and I'm sure you'll get invited to places more often :)

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Heyy please could you share my advice page? I've been inactive for ages but really want to get the page going again to help anyone I can, thanks! ~

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Follow them ^^^^^^ x

Hey! Share us, we give advise on anything and never judge, there will always be someone to answer questions too whatever time of the day!xx

Sure ^^^^^^^^ x

My sister in law faked a pregnancy to keep my brother, me and my cuzon are the only ones that know, should we confront her??

I think you should, it's not fair. give her the option to tell him herself or you will do it for her

So me and this guy like texted like everyday or every other day, we used to... And now he didn't respond to my text and hasn't texted me since, it's been like a week. Does that mean anything?

He could have just had nothing to say back to the text. Did he start the conversations before or was it always you?

It's kinda become an on-going relapse :/x

Ah no): Are you getting any help at the moment lovely?x

Why doesn't someone respond to your text?

Busy, not sure what to say back, forgot to reply, is bored of the conversation? Many reasons, It depends on your relationship with the person tho I think

my friend asked me to be fwb's with him, and I sort of want to, but I'm scared of what my parents would do if they found out. what should I do?

It's up to you what to do and as this message is quite old, I'm sure you've come to some sort of decision. All I will say to you is that it's your life and your choice. It's not up to anyone else what you do with your love life or with your body. If you want to be fwb then go for it, just be careful
- Natalie x

I relapsed after 10 months clean :/

Oh no):
Is this an on-going relapse or was it a one off?
- Natalie x

hi, me & this guy has been talking for awhile...& we like each other but lately my feelings for him has started to fade, we talk on the phone & all but idk, he really is a nice guy & all and idk why i feel this

Maybe your feelings are fading because nothing has happened so you're losing interest? What's the point in liking someone who doesn't want to develop things further with you and see what happens? You get bored and move on to someone who will want you. He might like you but if he isn't making the effort to try and be with you, you're probably just going off him thinking that nothing will ever happen. It's almost like you're protecting yourself from getting hurt
~ Natalie x

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