

seriously, guys, who of as has gotten plastic surgery and your thoughts about it?

firstly i wanna say that getting plastic surgery is fine as long as its up to the person. theres absolutely nothing wrong with getting surgery on your own body for whatever reason because its yours. okay so uee admitted to getting eyelid surgery on only one eye. juyeon admitted to fixing something around her eyes. lizzy had her eyes done. so did nana. and jung ah seems to be getting something that makes her skin look flawless and wrinkle free every now and then (maybe botox?..i dont know much about these things >_<) lol but i still think that with or without surgery they are beautiful but at the end of the day, its ultimately their own choice and we fans are happy as long as theyre happy. admin B

Latest answers from AfterSchoolDaze

I don't want to sound impatient but where is ASDaze at with the Playgirlz Time magazines. it's been ages since I was last able to read them. I've got a great idea, create an official ASdaze youtube channel and post the magazines there as slide shows.

that is actually a good idea. thanks. admin B

I'm trying to find the episode of beauty bible where Juyeon and Raina hang out together but I'm having trouble can you please help?

sorry i have no idea where to find it. theres so many episodes and theyre all scattered and a lot of them arent even subbed :(. admin B

do you know if there's something between uee and nana? People are saying they are not close anymore or hate each other. like on nana's birthday. she wasnt there. and what happened to eyoung. I dont see any news of her anymore.

i think at this moment in time theyre all just focusing on themselves and taking a proper break. i dont think any of them have any issues with each other though so i cant really comment on that. admin B

Do you know which member are close to which member??

kaeun and eyoung. kauen and uee. jung ah and uee. jung ah and lizzy. nana and lizzy and raina. i cant remember who else right now sorry lol. admin B

Hi do you know how to send fanmails to Seventeen? I know this askfm is for Afterschool but theyre both in Pledis so perhaps maybe youd know. Thanks

Its most likely the same address that is used to send AS stuff but with seventeen and the members name written on it. Admin B

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