

Latest answers from airmaxRD

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

time.......its all i miss

Hurhurr guess who.....pfft nvm its me shamallama ;D :P ok question of the day.....what would you do if you were home alone and came to know that there were theifs planning to rob u o.o

ShamaAnjoom’s Profile PhotoShama Anjoom
well i have 3 plans:
plan A: i go to my room and grab my
prepared tube under my bed and call the police, in case tht they enter my romm and try to get my pc then....one of us will end up on the hospital.
plan B i go to the kitchen , i grab a kitchen knife and rush into my room with the hope of scaring or hurting the thief before he gets my pc (i may be injured or killed...)
plan C i call the police and start yelling like mad "THERES A THIEF IN MAH HOUSEEEEEEEEEE".

Language: English