
- numb.

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Hmmm repot yaaa. 2 minggu juga kayak orang2 yg wfh & sekolah2 yg diliburin?

rifkytriand’s Profile PhotoRifky
Kata temen-temen sih sampe semester beres, jadi baru masuk lagi pas semester baru gituu.

Pengen jomblo atau pengen pacaran?

Gak masalah sih jomblo atau pacaran, selama gue bisa bahagia (sendiri, dan sama doi). Udah tua, ah.

Gw aneh bgt asli ngajak ngobrol lewat askfm gini hahaha i bet you'll get weirded out if u find out who i am. I only wanted to know how it is to have a conversation without judgement and it does feel nice. Jadi yasudahlah ya.. sending u sister love!

Nooo it’s totally fine and you’re super nice.. i like to talk with strangers online too lol you don’t have to feel weird about it! and again if i can help you out with anything just reach out ok! Sending you lotsss of love 🌻😊

Hmm i think u'll never guess who i am! Hahaha we raaaaarely talk yet I feel like you're a good person and to some extent I can imagine your pain (not that I'd like to claim I know how you feel or that I pity you though). That's why I think u deserve some anonymous love. I hope I dont offend u! 🤗

🥺🥺🥺 hey you’re TOO sweet i don’t know if i deserve this! Terima kasih yaaa if you ever want to talk directly to me (which i assume we have since you said “rare”?) just reach out to me okay! Semoga kamu baik-baik ya! 😊💖
Kasih clue dong ini siapa!😜

Language: English