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Latest answers from Tashie

Would you ever consider going to college in Italy?

Hmm if it was in the sense of studying abroad, then sure!

As a child, did you want a kitten or a puppy? Did your parents get one for you?

I wanted either! And yes I finally got a kitten haha

Do you have any advice for people starting out on youtube?

Consistency! Always be consistent in your uploads and even if you don't have a ton of views, or comments, that's okay! Keep going, you'll get there!

Do you believe in past lives? If so, what kind of person do you think you were?

I think I kinda do...but idk who I think I was though..

What annoys you?

When people are chewing their food and they make lots of noises >: ( STOP SMACKING. CLOSE UR MOUTH

What software do you use to edit? If it's paid, any recommendation for a free software?

I use Sony Vegas Pro 14. It is a program you have to pay for, unfortunately. Perhaps, you could find ways around it? You could try a free trial? or Adobe Premiere! (that is also pay as well though...)

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