
Christian Davin Ramadhan

Ask @alonelylamb

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desc sahabat paling deket

Pap foto nya aja ya.
Pokoknya dia paling bisa ngerti gue, dia tau saat gue sedih
Dia bakak ngedukung apapun yg gue lakukan
Dia tau segalanya tentang gue
Dia juga udah deket ama keluarga gue
Namanya Davin
desc sahabat paling deket
Liked by: Alif Pramadhan

warna mata lo apa sih kak berubah mulu

Cokelat kok normal.. cuma pake softlens kan, kalo pake kacamata cuma kalo lagi dirumah atau iritasi aja. tekstur pantat kamu gimana sih non? Kok berubah ubah?
warna mata lo apa sih kak berubah mulu
Liked by: Rachelle Hwang

People you may like

rekomendasiin film genre school life gitu dong ka

the arts of getting by
the perks of being wallflower
crazy little thing called love
spectacular now
detention of the death
harry potter ( kalo sekolah sihir masuk dalam hitungan ya)
high school musical series
step up 2
diary of wimpy kid
the amazing sliderman 1
beberapa film di atas terduri dari berbagai genre, tapi semuanya memiliki latar cerita nya mendominasi di sekolah yha.. lafyu
Liked by: arnesha

5q yang jawabannya

siapa cewek bertitit?
siapa cewek ireng?
siapa kim kadarasin indo?
siapa yang suaranya sekseeh?
siapa yang aku kangen selalu?

suka nonton film ga ? rekomendasiin film gerne romace dong kak

valentine's day
new year's eve
new york i love you
the proposal
the arts of getting by
crazy little thing called love
walking on sunshine
les miserables
the last song
the notebook
crazy, stupid love
the holiday
music and lyrics
love is cinta
the love of siam
were the world mine
cokelat strawberry
eiffel i'm in love
apa artinya cinta
heart 2
no strings attached
Liked by: Karin

Hi @alonelylamb ! :3 I like you ask and i follow you since 1 week ! :) Add me on snapchat if you want, my snap is corentin.rts , Have a nice day :D

TheChillersPrevente’s Profile PhotoThe Chillers Prevente
boong lo mah orang ga adalo di list snapchat w udahlah gausah boong. lo sintya kan?? lo yang mau ngerebut alfian dari w ! udahlah kita semua udah tau kok akal busuk lo! udah basi tau ga?
contoh orang baper tuh gini..
semoga tahun 2015 orang baper makin berkurang amin!
Liked by: Indah Adhayanti

Methinks your anon doth protests too much. I use "me want" all the time. It is not proper grammar, but it's a commonly used form of "I want" due to it's more expressive nature. To your Anon: Loosen up, anon. Don't let your lack of understanding of American colloquialisms make you look ignorant.

papaaa you're da best :,) me no want to answer them stoopid people no more :'

Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

me really want banget tattoo love above all else kayak ini, karna itu tattoo yg ada di lengan grant gustin, and grant gustin itu like literally my biggest inspiration dibandingin yg lainnya.
gue ada kebiasaan sebelum naik ke panggung pasti gambar tattoo kayak gitu dulu pake spidol permanent biar lebih percaya diri dan ga nervous lol i dunno why..
but yha. me really want a tattoo like that
Do you have or want a tattoo What and where
Liked by: arnesha

Merry freakin' christmas meh gayest broo({}) wkwk, inget ga dr kita kecil gua ikut natalan kan kayaknya gaada himbauan yg rasis bilang "xmas greeting is haram" but now? Baru setelah sekian lama gua idup jd org muslim, ada fatwa haram buat sekedar toleransi begituan.Lol aja sih xD Eh salam ke semua y

nabilaahsnh’s Profile PhotoLila Soe
ikr lafyuuu im the gayest bro ever lived banget yha.. -_- but i'm gaying with pitooh wkwk
Liked by: Davin Natanael

Gue jg mau ksh masukan. Ga ada istilah "ngucapin selamat natal berarti msk kristen" sumpah itu bnr2 nunjukin kebodohan lo sm pengetahuan sendiri. mau msk kristen jg ada persyaratannya, hrs di baptis dan udh ada iman percaya etc. masa cm grgr ngmg merry xmas trs jd kristen? funny-_-

rachel_hwang07’s Profile PhotoRachelle Hwang
Liked by: Rachelle Hwang

Let's queer things up, shall we? Here's a mix I made consisting of some of my favorite contemporary LGBT artists: http://8tracks.com/paul-agusta/queer-weather enjoy and let me know which one's your favorite :)

well even thou aku gapernah denger mereka sebelumnya.. cuma ini enak enak.. makasih papaah udah ngenalin saya sama mereka ini :3 ga sia sia nyari wifi buat buka ini :3


Language: English