
Alyssa Kuhn

Ask @alyssakuhn98

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Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

Taylor, I live RIGHT next to her. Seriously. I just met her in 6th grade, I didn't even know she existed before that.

I do not understand y u r still friends wit tayler when she talks so much shit about u. Lyke callin u ugly and shit just saying it's fuked up

*why *you *are *with *Taylor *you *like *calling *you
When you have proof I'll believe you. I still don't even care. She's my friend, I don't care what she says about me behind my back. She's still my friend.

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Lol no. I'm not going to die because you said that. I know for a fact someone cares. Also Taylor does care. I actually just saw the whole thing with me on her ask. Taylor was talking to me about ask right now so I scrolled to far and read that whole thing. Just so you know Taylor sent me this really cute thing the other day sooo...yeah. Taylor says something but sometimes she means something else. I'm not saying all the time just sometimes. Secondly. I don't care how much she trusts me or not. I decided and told her awhile ago that I don't care how much she tries to push me away. I'm staying her friend and that's final. I put what I said on the left (well part) and part of what what she said on the right.
It was even cuter because I was sick and I hadn't even read that whole thing on ask yet until she said so.

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Tayler doesn't cere aboit u...no one does actualy

u meke me sew sed;( im crin a lot rn. my deth is bc of u im go dye now.

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

This is the same logic as fucking yourself. It makes no sense and sounds impossible. Except fucking yourself is impossible.

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

I forget what the name of it was but basically there was this old man, and he used to be a thief. He always got forgetful, like a mini case of Alzheimer's. So apparently this was in the kinda' near future and so this man's son got him a robot to take care of him. And then the man became friends with the robot and yeah. I mean. I want a robot....

Are you addicted to shopping?

That's an understatement
Every time I go shopping for something (even food) I end up getting new clothes or other random shit.

Describe your perfect boyfriend?

-nice muscles
-good personality
-will buy me food
-loves food as much as I do
-loves to cuddle
-would do cute couple things together
-take cute couple picturesss
-care for me when I'm sick
-not try to rape me
-feed me food
-hug me a lot
-tells the truth
-trusts me
-doesn't cheat
-makes food with me
-teases me
-gets jealous but not too jealous
-picks me up and twirls me around
-protects me
-tells me he loves me (after awhile)
-tells me what he is thinking
-tells me I'm beautiful, pretty, amazing, etc.
-buys me chocolate when I'm on my period

Perfect relationship?

Just being able to do cute things with them, trusting them, being honest, and not cheating. Pretty simple actually.

Lol. Ur convo with ur brother.

We have nicknames for each other involving poop. I call him "Green Poop". My nicknames vary from "Blood Turd" to "But Nugget". I think we're pretty mature.


Language: English