
Alyssa Kuhn

Ask @alyssakuhn98

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Where did you meet your best friend?

On my bus. Y'know. Taylor. We were pretty awkward in the beginning. Nvm, we still are.

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What invention has had the greatest impact on society?

Electricity. Think about it. If electricity didn't exist you're whole life would be so different, and when the power goes out you just sit in the dark with candles until it comes back.


Ok, I understand some of the other rates because I look prettier in my pictures than in real life. But I don't think I'm that pretty. I don't even think I'm pretty. What am I talking about?

Do you like being alone?

I don't mind it. I'm slowly getting used to people actually caring about me and hanging around, and I'm glad. I actually feel human. I'm scared that everyone will leave me and then I'll be alone again. Not knowing how to cope with my loneliness.


Language: English