
Amy Mathews

Ask @amyelizabethh

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***BREAKING NEWS*** Madi Gray has disabled her ask.fm site also. In the past 24 hours Cam Moore, Jacob Siegle, and now Madi Gray are gone. Cam disabled cause of a fight with her mom, Jacob was busted by his mom's google search...and Madi is gone for an undisclosed reason. STAY TUNED..>>

HEY ********BREAKING NEWS*********

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You don't like me, like at all. But, I wanted to let you know how much I adore you & Mitch. You guys are the perfect couple & I actually believe you guys can make it and one day get married. & Don't listen to those rude anons, you'rebeautiful but looks don't matter, personality does, & you're perf.

thank you <3 who is this ? i can't not like you when you say this .

people that join the military arent really heroes. they are just bums that cant get real jobs. do you agree?

NO . FUCK YOU ! you are such an ungrateful bastard ! they risk their lives every fucking day to give u the freedom to walk freely and safely down the street . its not even funny to joke about that stuff . the people in the military dont get enough appreciation . if i could go hug and talk to every single one and tell them how grateful i am , i would . they are amazing people . the men and women both . some have to leave their families . they see horrible things out there and still stay and fight . i hope u feel like shit u asshole . open you eyes to who really gives u freedom . everytime i see anyone in uniform i thank them for fighting for me & my family . it actually makes them smile & they dont hear it enough . you should try saying thank you instead of bagging on them u selfish prick . they could have any job they wanted . they just decided to fucking fight for you instead . so , fuck off .

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I dont have any friends cause Im ugly and everyone thinks I suck. Can you be my friend? ..and can we throw a few benefits in there as a bonus ?? Thank you in advance. BTW I only like lifestyles condoms...can you buy the first 12 pk and ill buy the next? Ok thanks amy. <3

i dont know what the hell you think i am ? some kind of slut or something ?! no . im a virgin , and goddammmit i will stay that way until there is a freaking wedding ring on my finger . people like u are just kind of pathetic . so , i have an idea ! why dont u go fuck yourself ? i think thats a great idea . and while your at it tell your pillow hi for me . you know , the one u practice on . dont fucking mess with me . i dont put up with anyones crap anymore . im tired of being walked all over . so thank you , and good fucking night .

Who is your Idol? favourite song?(:

Eric Albert
my idol would have to be my bestfriend Lindsy<3 & i can't choose a favorite song...there aree soooo many that i just love ! anything from sleeping with sirens though<33
Liked by: Eric Albert

If Lindsy, Becka, and Kayla were all about to fall into a volcano and you could only save one of them...who would you save ?

what kind of question is that ?!!! lol uhmm , if i could only save one i would probably just jump in myself
Liked by: Ma'an AZ


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