
Ananda Finna Aghisna Kamila

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mungkin bagi orang lain emang keliatan b aja, cuma kelas bahasa satu-satunya yang anggota kelasnya ga akan berubah. kelas yang punya lots of problems. tapi setidaknya kita udah banyak berkembang dari kelas satu. so much better. even sometimes, there are still many differences. having 32 personalities isn't easy. so much struggles and tears but I really am greatful to know every part of you guys. we didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. happy holiday everyone!
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never say sorry for
being yourself.
being depressed.
making mistakes.
we’re all human after all,
we all get upset,
we all have emotions,
we all make mistakes
so how about before demanding or expecting “I’m sorry” from anyone, have a little forgiveness first, I’m sure if you made a mistake you’d expect the same forgiveness and understanding from the rest of us
For whatever you’ve done or whoever you’ve been in your past, you are here now. Forgive yourself for anything and everything. It’s the first step in healing. If you forgive yourself, you will be okay.


Language: English