

Latest answers from Marina

Where is the one place in the world you wish you could revisit?

Venice--I was too young and unaware of its history when I last visited

Let's get the obligatory October question out of the way: what are your favourite horror movies?

Oooh, I didn't get into the horror genre until very late, but favorites include The Descent, Ju-on, 28 Days Later, Paranormal Activity, and REC.

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

Closed-back, over-the-ear headphones for commuting since my earbuds never fit quite right.

Do you consider light novels literature?

KaiPercival’s Profile PhotoKai
My gut response is to say no. However, I don't know enough about light novels to be completely set in that answer.

What things should you never tell your parents?

How little you actually think about them on a daily basis

How many times per day do you shower?

You mean per week? It's healthier to go a day or two more to let your natural oils do what they should.

Language: English