

Ask @annagorski

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You should try walking through the halls without looking at the ground.

no im good with staring at the ground #sorrynotsorry

what part are you at?

i kind of just started but the girl that is new comes in with her arms extremely scarred and shes talking about how its like tatoos and piercings

whatever you are going through, i want you to know that im here for you. i hope things go well.

thank you it means a lot and it would mean more if i knew who you were and thanks.

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful

yes i will always love you. this is a song i betcha

A bitch slutty weird girl. Explain? Here's the catch though.. You can't say shes slutty for grinding :) but no please elaborate on your statement.

hahah right.. PLEASE EXPLAIN PEOPLEEE. hahha yess you cant use that (: yes haha thanks kevin

How did you learn to grind cuz every1 is saying its good

i didnt even know how to grind before last night AWKKKK. haha i just went with it and just did whatever so yeah. i dont see how its good but thankss..? i guess.

Ever since highschool started u changed

no actually i havent. and if you think i have can you please talk to me about it unanon because i dont want to hurt you and i dont want it to ruin anything. i dont want to change to much and im being serious. but please HOW HAVE I CHANGED?
Liked by: Abby Allgood

I went to hc and I didn't grind...so no not everyone grounded the girls that aren't slut didn't grind

awesome yay for you!(: thanks i'm obviously the biggest slut ever. haha thanks bb(: love you


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