

Ask @annagorski

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for real all this drama bc of this...

um hey jack sorry!! its not even that much drama and i'll delete all the questions. k?

That one pictures you took today was top! It was crazy gorgeous

aww thanks (: you dont how much this means to me(: aww

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What is your favourite TV show?

pretty little liars, the voice, hannah montana, te middle modern family and american idol and GLEE

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

yes. totally. they definately do and when ppl dont give them it its rude \:

Alexa is:)).......

my bestestest friend! im mad she isnt doing band next year but ya.... ummm welll we NEEDDDDDDDDD to hang SOON!!!! shes soo nice hilarious and gorgeousss. chica you be the best P.S. ST. LOUIS IS GOING TO BE FREAKING AMAZING!! holla

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

i'm beautiful ad unique and shouldn't let anyone tell me different. i should believe in myself and stay positive cause thats the best way to go.

kam is.....

i already did this but i will do it again.. okay well he seems super nice andfunny and a great guy. people judged him too fast, and spread WAY too many rumours about himmmm soo yaa. i really wish i had classses with him and could talk to him and grt to know himm and yaa i think hea kinda cute too lol

valerie saba is.....

my best friend forever and ever and ever!!! she is soo nice gorgoues and funny se always makes me laugh and feel better when i feel like shit! she's one of the best frienda ive ever had and we need to hang soon!! we always talk about boyzz and its soo funny and funn hhahhaa!! we talk about everything! youre the best hun! love yaa!
Liked by: valerie

Charlie issss.....

a guy that seems super nice and funn to be around! i wish we had classes together and talked he is cute and seems funny and a good friend. i wish we talked!

Maddie smith is.....

my best frandd!! shes obnoxious but in a good way she always makes me laugh and smile and brightens my day! we need to have a sleepover soon and hang out! shes pretty nice and HILARIOUSS!! love ya chica

Valerie Kunkle is.....

super pretty nice and funny! i wish we talked more and were better friends! i wished we talk moree

Gianna is......

soo gorgeous and seems soo nice and a great friend. we've talked a little, but i wish we talked more and had classes together but we dont. but she seems soo nice and funny is awesome

aleksei is.....

a guy thats cute and seems super nice hilarious and a great friend! i wish i was friends with him and wished i talked to him! and weve never had a class together his depressing. :/ is he going to south?

Don't let what people say cloud your thoughts you're an awesome and cute person

aww thankss!:) you just made my day a while day better:) thankss:) im really bored ao you should really text or kik me k? thankssssssss

You are so pretty Anna!

thankss hun:) i try to not listen to other when they say im not but sometimes its harddd :/


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