

Ask @annonymousgirl

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Hey. Did you tell anyone who you are yet?

Hehe no not yet. Did you?
*Attention everyone there is an anonymous boy. It's not a fake account if thats what your thinking its actually just my best guy friend*

I promise I won't I will just ask questions. Just like like one of his answers and I'll see it cuz I follow you:) or just tell me the account

it's "annonymousboy"

I already know that you already told me

Oh well he's tall-ish, idek what else to say and don't ask for his eye coloir

Do you know Alex V?

Nope, I only know Alex G, Alex G (#2), Alex G (#3), Alex B I feel like im missing someone...

Just ask me anything like it can be personal or whatevrt

You ask me something and we can start from there?

It just means cool

I know but what were you saying was cool? That's what I meant when I said whats coolio. Like whats cool?


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