

Ask @annonymousgirl

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I'll enable it tomorrow once people learn how to grow the fuck up and act their age ~AG

Sure :) mind telling me who you are though?

Are u friends with that bitch jayden?

She's not a bitch. Don't hate appreciate. She's amazing.

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I'm happy she's gone motherfucker !

At least someone's happy... Just kidding asshole. Go away. Right now. Or come off so I can beat the living shit out of you.

I know that you wanted her gone to for copying you and shit I was just helping

Maybe I was a but mad she copied.. I admit that. But I swear I didn't say anything to her! You shouldn't have either! That was rude. She's probably so upset right now. Congratulations asshole.

Because she's a stuck up bitch and needs to die

Excuse me? No she doesn't! All she was Doug was complimenting people!! You're horrible. Leave.


If any of you reading this forced the other anon girl to disable her account... I have a question. Why?

Are you getting people to hate on MY ask? ~AG

Anonymous girl
Nope. Why would I do that. I don't really acre. Why's you sign your name AG? It already says anonymous girl.. Why did you make this account anyway?

Here's an idea, change your settings to only people with users can ask and he or she will get tricked kinda

I doubt it will work. Any other suggestions?
Liked by: Anonymous girl

Lol. Alright I'm safe. Nope not Tallinng you

I was told you were an imposter... So feel my wrath.
get the fuck off my ask you vile human being. Cutting isn't a joke. Leave now.
Liked by: Anonymous girl

I'm the person who cuts. Anons are telling you to guess who it is. And it's not me telling you to do this.

OMG really? Then please tell me who you are?

OMG Theese people are not me! I'm not saying all this stuff. They are trying to make you look stupid!

Who's this? Make me look stupid? What?

You probs won't imbox the wrong person and it won't matter just do it

If I get it wrong will you tell me?

Just imbox my ask lul nd ill respond to it what can go wrong ur on anon

But what if I inbox the wrong person! Just please! Please? Come off!

Nah you think you know who it is

I actually doubt my guess so much. Please please please come off anon? Please OMG please!!! I want to help!

The Anton's are acting like they are me. I was away all day so I don't really know who they are. But they are not me. And if you think you know who this is then inbox my ask. Anyway it wasn't me asking all the questions just importers

Anton's? Wait.. You mean anons. Is this the person who wants to cut?? Please just come off anon. I swer I won't post and we can talk about it. Ok?


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