

It's true that Europeans need to start taking responsibilities for their own actions, but to imply that Islam isn't a problem is delusional. And Muslims shouldn't even be in Europe in the first place... And you should care about the rape in Sweden. You are either a defeatist or simply wrong.

Okay, maybe Muslims shouldn't be in Europe in the first place. But whose fault is it that they are? Who invited them in? Europeans invited Muslims to take their land, both through weakness and through literally asking them to come. And now they expect sympathy from from me because it's turned out to be a bad deal? Now they expect me to hate Muslims on their behalf because their own poor choices led to being swamped by them? Fuck that. You got weak, you gave up your traditions and faith, you invited a stronger people to take your countries from you, and they did. No fucking sympathy from me. None. Zip. Zero. Nada. You want your countries back? Take them back - with fire and blood. Or don't. But quit fucking whining to me about it.

Latest answers from AntiDem

هل تعلم ان السمكه تعيش في الماء😶😂.امزح امزح خلاص وانا الي كنت احسبه تعيش بالهواء😱

Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

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