

http://ask.fm/antidem/answer/129154732225 I'm just astonished that someone could have no compassion whatsoever for the mentally anguished while still claiming to be on the side of good. You are either stupid or inhuman.

I have plenty of compassion for mentally disturbed people. Just not enough to waste my time in a pointless internet debate with one.

Latest answers from AntiDem

هل تعلم ان السمكه تعيش في الماء😶😂.امزح امزح خلاص وانا الي كنت احسبه تعيش بالهواء😱

Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

Language: English