

Why the fuck do people - especially heteros - support homosexual marriage and why are they so fervent about it? I don't even dislike homos, I just fucking hate the constant propaganda and zealotry.

I have to admit, I've never seen the Establishment want anything like they want gay "marriage". The push for it has been positively amazing in speed and fervency.
Most important, of course, is the Establishment's burning hatred of Christianity, and the sense that this issue is where they will finally finish it off as any sort of relevant force in society - to show the world that it is powerless, and to humiliate it. That's why the elites want it.
This ties into the fact that leftism is a fanatical utopian cult, and to it, Christianity is competition. There can be only one utopia, and only one path to salvation. For one to be seen as the true path, the other must be destroyed, discredited, and humiliated. That's why leftists say that we can never make "progress" as long as we cling to "outdated" ideas like Christianity (This is a very old line from the left, going back to the French Revolution. Certainly, Soviet propaganda parroted it incessantly).
As for the common person, well, of course there's the fact that most common people believe whatever the television tells them to. And then there's the Cult of Nice, in which morality has ben replaced by being "nice" to people - i.e. cat lady morality. But I think a lot of it is that normalizing vice and degeneracy makes people feel not so bad about their own vices or degeneracy. This is subconscious, but powerful. Being a pig isn't so terrible a thing if the whole world is a sty. So let us wallow.
But really, at its root, it's about breaking the power of Christianity. The push for gay "marriage" is essentially the first big official antireligious campaign of the west. All communist countries have antireligious campaigns, and Moldbug was right - the west is now communist. Being the west - being Huxleyan instead of Orwellian - we have of course couched this antireligious campaign in metaphor, coming up with the ridiculous lie that all this bother is about the desires of a low-single-digit percentage of dysfunctional people.
It will get worse. The first antireligious campaign is never the last, and they continue until communism is finally defeated decisively.
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Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

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