

Is neoreaction a cult?

In fact it's basically the opposite - it's more like one of those deprogramming centers that tries to snap people back to reality after a loved one rescues them from a cult compound. It's kind of a hard job when 99% of the population believes in the cult to some degree or another. But we're smarter than they are, and we have reality on our side, so hard as it may be, someday we're going to do it. It's just a matter of time.
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Latest answers from AntiDem

هل تعلم ان السمكه تعيش في الماء😶😂.امزح امزح خلاص وانا الي كنت احسبه تعيش بالهواء😱

Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

Language: English