

Can you believe that after all that time and effort, we still fucking legalized gay marriage?!

Of course I can. That's where secular democracies lead. Why do you think I oppose them? There's worse to come, too. It will continue, getting worse and more degenerate, until secular democracy ends.
Anyhow, who's "we"? The government isn't me. The federal court system *definitely* isn't me. I have no loyalty to them, and do not acknowledge the legitimacy of their authority. They have no legitimate authority over me, only the same raw force that a gang of criminals, bandits, or mobsters might have. They have no right to claim me in a "we".
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هل تعلم ان السمكه تعيش في الماء😶😂.امزح امزح خلاص وانا الي كنت احسبه تعيش بالهواء😱

Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

Language: English