

Any advice for someone who was redpilled late in life (40s)? basically a graying ex-SWPL who sees stuff like "JJ Abrams to add gay character to next Star Wars" and thinks "well, shit, no wonder they hate (((us))) and are backing Trump"?

As for the Star Wars thing, Gay Gay Abrams can say whatever he likes, but it's almost certainly just talk. Star Wars is a global entertainment product, and Disney knows that the inclusion of gay characters would hurt box office numbers in a lot of non-pozzed places around the globe. So I doubt it's going to happen.
Here's some starting advice: Make a maximum effort to stay away from television, and indeed all pop entertainment. Once you're away from it for a little while, you'll be surprised not only how much more clearly you can think, but if you go back and catch a little after its spell on you has been broken, you'll be shocked at how bad it is. Read old books instead. And it doesn't even have to be books of rightist philosophy, either. Read any novel written before the Great War, and notice how differently the people act. What you're seeing there is called "normalcy" - women, men, children, and families acting like normal human beings. You'll find it odd, in that these people act nothing like how the warped, distended, chronically angry, chronically miserable Moderns around you act after a century of being bombarded with dystopian egalitarianism, sexual (((neurosis))), and nihilism. After a short period of adjustment, you'll find that you quite like normal people. Keep finding out more about them. Eventually, you'll want to work on trying to make yourself and those around you more like them - a difficult task, but by no means impossible.
Liked by: ratiomon Ian
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Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

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