

Do you have any advice for an ultraconservative Catholic going into college? I'm asking you because I'm kind of a sperg and anywhere else the answer would be "join a frat bro, get laid, drink." I need to be there for my waifu.

First, why go to college at all? (I'm not sure what you mean by the "waifu" thing, so we'll put that aside for the moment.) Unless you're going into a STEM field (including medicine), business, or want to be a teacher of some kind, you're better off skipping it or, at most, going to a two-year junior college and getting an AA.
Second, even if you decide to go, save yourself a ton of money and aggravation and do the junior college thing anyway. They're a cheap and less ideological way to get all your general education requirements out of the way. Select yours wisely - some are better than others. Here in the SF Bay Area, a place like DeAnza College (Steve Wozniak's alma mater) has a lot of cachet, and there's no problem transferring from there even into a place like Berkeley or UCLA.
Finally, if you do go off to college, treat it like a job, not a lifestyle. Live off-campus (and most definitely not in a dorm) in cheap-but-not-ghettoish digs like a rented room in somebody's house. Commute to campus - go there for classes and nothing else (any decent university will have an online research portal with access to JSTOR and other databases, making actually physically going to the library pointless). Especially in your major department, get to know the professors you like (or at least, can stand), and take as many classes with that select few as you can. be friendly, but put a little distance between yourself and your fellow students. You're there for a purpose, not for a party.
Live cheap and take out as few loans as you can. Forget a car - walk or buy a bus pass. Get a Costco membership, buy nonperishables in bulk, and store them in your closet. Get used to the taste of instant ramen. Splurge on a VPN, for two reasons: to pirate the shit out of movies and TV shows instead of paying for cable, and for opsec when posting anything rightist. Take a part-time job - if you can't find one anyplace else, there will usually be some available on campus.
In short, keep to yourself, stay out of trouble, and live responsibly. Oh, and really, don't go at all unless you have to - by which I mean unless you know how your degree is going to pay itself back by adding value to your bottom line career-wise.
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هل تعلم ان السمكه تعيش في الماء😶😂.امزح امزح خلاص وانا الي كنت احسبه تعيش بالهواء😱

Sorry, I don’t speak Paris-talk.

What is your view of the British Royal Family?

Being a monarchist doesn’t necessarily mean supporting any one particular monarch or their family. The current one in Britain has to go.

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