

Ask @antidem

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What do you think about My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult?

They had one song on The Crow soundtrack, right?

What services do you usually attend during holy week?

Radio Control
Good Friday if I can, and of course Easter Sunday. I also have a Good Friday tradition of rereading the second chapter of The Master and Margarita.

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Have you ever seen fate/zero or psycho pass? If so, what are your opinions on them?

No, but speaking of Type-Moon, I quite enjoy Zvezda Plot.

Do you agree that every reactionary must have a wife and children, because only then will he be invested in creating a better future he may not live to see?


We should teach the underclass to code.

What a wonderful cacophony of logical errors is involved in this! Let's dissect them, shall we?
1) Jumping on trends: "I know! Computer programming is hot! Maybe teaching everybody to do *that* is what will save us!"
2) Not understanding the reality behind the glitz: Yes, programming is a prestigious and highly-paid job - if you're lucky enough to be one of the few that's at the top of the game, working for the likes of Google, Apple, or Facebook. But that's not going to be the vast majority of programmers. Google gets ten thousand resumes *a day*. Guess what - your chances of getting hired there are just about on par with getting into the NBA. Most programming jobs are glorified office drudgery, for unspectacular pay. And that's *if* you can 1) not get your job outsourced to India or China, 2) not get your job taken by an Indian or Chinese H-1B, and 3) keep your job past 35 in a field known for brutal and undisguised ageism.
3) Blank-slate theory: Anyone who thinks they can round up a bunch of 85-IQ proles and, with a few books on Javascript and a couple classes and a little presto-changeo magic, is going to produce the next generation of Project Managers at Facebook, is fucking deuisional.
4) What Vox Day described as belief in a static universe: To the degree that programming - or anything else - is a valuable skill, it is so *because not everybody can do it*. Nobody pays people to breathe air or drink water, because that's a skill everyone has. The fewer people have the ability or willingness to do something useful, the more the pay for it goes up. So even if you *could* teach everyone to be a top-level programmer, you'd destroy the market value of the skill. They'd be a dime a dozen.
So... no.

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Liked by: jorjun

Marx and Robespierre are pretty obvious, but what's your beef with Woodrow Wilson?

World War I is the crux, the shatterpoint through which all of world history since then passes. Nothing we saw after 1918 would have been possible without it. Not World War II, not the rise of Communism, not the rise first of fascism and then liberal democracy in Europe, not even the current situation in the Middle East (I bet we all wish now that the place was run by a moderate, trade-friendly Ottoman Empire). William S. Lind said that in 1914, the Western Civilization put a gun to its head and pulled the trigger. Just so - the hundred years since have just been the corpse slowly hitting the floor.
But absent the war not happening at all, the second best outcome would have been a German/Austro-Hungarian victory. Wilson, by entering the war and breaking the stalemate, made that impossible. All because of his insane egalitarian/democratic principles. He doomed the West, and with it, in this globalized culture, he doomed civilization throughout much of the world.

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We could pay them to attend classes. Withdraw the money if they don't.

To what end? Creating a permanent class of professional students? Or do you think you're going to turn every hood rat into a nuclear physicist?

What's wrong with OkCupid?

Other than being a homofascist front, it's also a lonely hearts club for the sort of 持てない loser schlubs who have always turned to personals ads, even back when they were in the newspaper. What - I'm supposed to take a moral lecture from the online equivalent of a singles bar? Fuck that noise.

You could pay them to do something more useful than fill in a hole.

Sure, but it was a hypothetical example to make a philosophical point.

There is no 'undeserving rich'. You're a closet collectivist.

Right... Bernie Madoff deserved everything he had. And if I don't agree, that makes me some kinda Commie pinko. Cool story, bro.
Also, I never, ever claimed to be a Randian anarcho-capitalist. Don't ask me for things I never promised.

The victims of crime are often poor too. But that doesn't matter.

I've noticed that I can always have more civil, more honest, more productive conversations with working-class blacks on issues like race, drugs, and crime than I can with either upper-class whites or with the welfare class of any race. My conversations with working-class blacks indicates to me that they have no particular love of criminals nor any particular desire to live in crime-infested shitholes. Just the opposite, actually.
Liked by: Eric H. Looney

How will your WPA program cope with the increasing productivity of automation? Would you keep humans doing busywork instead of cheaper and more effective machines because some people simply cannot handle freedom?

There's lots of jobs where it'll be a long time before machines can do them properly. But speaking theoretically, yes - if my goal is to get people to the point where they're ready, willing, and able to get off the dole and to go get a productive job, then it still is better to pay men to dig a hole in the ground in the morning and then to fill it in in the afternoon than it is to pay them to sit on their ass all day getting drunk, getting fat, getting diabetic, and getting into trouble.

Why do you think people want the gov't to be soft on crime?

Some because they really believe in the utopian cult of leftism. Others as a power move. It's common for governments to intentionally let a problem turn into a crisis so that they can claim crisis powers in order to solve it. Which, of course, they never will, because they don't want to give up their crisis powers. It's all very Palpatine.

Can an atheist benefit from Christian morals?

That seems like an odd question, considering that atheo-leftism (aka secular humanism) is basically a Christian heresy. It's Christianity without Christ, which inexplicably tosses out pretty much all the sexual morals but for some reason keeps virtually all the other ones. It doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me.
If I did not believe in God, I'd... well, I'd be in a mental hospital under heavy sedation, for I cannot live without God. But leaving that aside, if I did not believe in God, I'd be a LaVeyist, because nothing else would make any real sense to me.
Liked by: Eric H. Looney

What do you think of global warming?

I don't know if it's scientifically true or not. I'm not really qualified to render a judgment on my own, and both sides in the debate have reasons to lie. I do know that it's possible for something to be completely true as a scientific issue and an utter scam as a political issue. Think of the tobacco settlement in the 90s. Virtually nobody debates that smoking is massively unhealthy. And yet, just about all the money that was extracted from the tobacco companies on the pretext of using it to fix up our healthcare system somehow ended up either in the pockets of politically-connected lawyers or in the general funds of states, which then blew it on all the normal crap that politicians normally blow money on - mostly using it to buy votes from various classes of government dependents.
I suspect a similar scam here.

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