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Agree?: http://ovenworthy.com/five-anime-that-prove-chinese-cartoons-are-degenerate/

Pfft - seriously? These are the most degenerate animes they could come up with? Haven't they ever heard of Wonder Kids? Cream Lemon? Yakin Byoutou? Koi Kaze? Hell, even OreImo is way more degenerate than any of these. I mean, Kill La Kill has a fascist chick in it - as the good guy! Anything that glorifies fascist chicks is good; I love fascist chicks.

"Are you asking me why leftists use dishonest arguments? You might as well ask me why birds fly and fish swim." -- it would still be nice to hear your explanation for how their minds work.

Endlessly psychoanalyzing their enemies is what leftists do. I don't care why they think the way they think. I'm not their shrink and I'm not their mom. When my side gains power, SJWs stop making trouble, or they go in the oven. End of story - nothing more needs to be said.
Liked by: Ian

What would you most like to do if money were no object?

I'd love to say that I'd give millions to the church or fund pro-life causes or start a neoreactionary think tank, but the honest truth is that I'd have an exact replica of the Iron Throne made and put it in my living room.

Why do people use the term "far right" as a synonym for "evil horribad genocidal Hitler worshippers" when that's actually not what the right is traditionally about?

Are you asking me why leftists use dishonest arguments? You might as well ask me why birds fly and fish swim.

As an NRx, I'd of thought you'd want kids.

You know, I was going to respond with a joke involving Rin Kokonoe, but people already think I'm enough of a goober otaku without thinking that I'm a pedo, too.
Liked by: Clifford Podpolny

Before you were a reactionary, what were your political views?

I was a mainstream conservative for many years. One of the first, and probably the biggest, influence on my early rightward development was the great Bob Grant during his years at WABC and WOR. Grant was everything that mainstream conservatism isn't anymore. He was passionate, angry, principled, unyielding, intolerant of fools, whip-smart, incapable of being either shocked or derailed... and most of all, he was fearless (mainstream conservatism nowadays is very fearful and cowardly). He saw right through phonies and sophists and gave them neither any undeserved benefit of the doubt nor any quarter whatsoever. I flatter myself by thinking that some of the influence of Bob Grant still shows through in AntiDem.
For an introduction to him:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 129619021249 FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 129619021249 FL9ECthEeVo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7jV14jVijAantidem’s Video 129619021249 d7jV14jVijAantidem’s Video 129619021249 d7jV14jVijA

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antidem’s Video 129619021249 FL9ECthEeVoantidem’s Video 129619021249 FL9ECthEeVo

Would a 1d or 4d woman appeal to you, or are you discriminatory towards women of that dimensional background?

If you think about it, the fourth dimension is time, so 4D women are really just 3DPD that you have to put up with for a long time.
No thanks.

Favourite US President?

H. L. Mencken on Calvin Coolidge:
"The kind of government that he offered the country was government stripped to the buff. It was government that governed hardly at all. Thus the ideal of Jefferson was realized at last, and the Jeffersonians were delighted.
Well, there is surely something to say for that abstinence, and maybe a lot. I can find no relation of cause and effect between the Coolidge prosperity, but it is nevertheless reasonable to argue that if the former had been less marked the latter might have blown up sooner. We suffer most, not when the White House is a peaceful dormitory, but when it is a jitney Mars Hill, with a tin-pot Paul bawling from the roof. Counting out Harding as a cipher only, Dr. Coolidge was preceded by one World Saver and followed by two more. What enlightened American, having to choose between any of them and another Coolidge, would hesitate for an instant? There were no thrills while he reigned, but neither were there any headaches. He had no ideas, and he was not a nuisance."

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What do you make of accusations levelled against homosexuals like Jack Donovan that they are "self-loathing gays" for not wanting to bring down Western civ?

"Self-loathing X" = "Anyone who belongs to X designated protected victim group who dares to stray outside of the exceptionally narrow Overton Window of thought that we designate as acceptable for a member of that group."
Ideological deviation is always considered an exceptionally heinous crime among members of the in-group, who always have a narrower Overton Window imposed on them than the general public does. Remember, the Inquisition targeted Catholics (including converts) for insufficient sincerity; the Red Guards targeted officials of the Communist Party for insufficient devotion to Chairman Mao. They targeted members of the in-group, not people outside of it. Dissidents are one thing, but disloyalty inside the in-group... well, that is unforgivable, and must be attacked more harshly than anything else.
And no, it doesn't matter that Jack Donovan never voluntarily joined any in-group, nor did any other "disloyal" member of any protected victim group. Since when did leftism ever care about whether you consented to be a part of their schemes? Try demanding that they show you where your signature might be found on this "social contract" that they've been prattling on about since Rousseau. Try telling them that without specific, voluntary consent, no "contract" has any validity, and if they think otherwise, all it means is that they don't understand what the word "contract" means.
So you're signed up for their in-group, whether you want to be or not, and you are expected to hold yourself to its rules. If you do not, expect to be ruthlessly shamed.

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Liked by: Celeste Ramirez

You're probably not a Seeger fan, but I wonder if the same protest songs can be recycled aganst the leftist powers today. This seems as if it might work. What do you think? http://youtu.be/XUwUp-D_VV0

The problem with Seeger is the problem with virtually all mainstream politics - it's negation. Everyone can - and does - tell you what they're against, but when you ask them what they're for, you get vague platitudes and/or dreamy utopianism. Every system and way of doing things has flaws, so it's an easy power position to tear them down by pointing those flaws out - especially by the cheapest and easiest method of them all, which is mockery. People like Seeger engage in negation in order to tear down everything that isn't their own beliefs, so as to make their own (utopian and highly logically questionable) beliefs seem reasonable in comparison. I don't see that as being anything worthy of copying.
Reactionaries need to stop reacting. Yes, some ideas need to be opposed. But we need to stop merely chasing the left around (which just lets them set the frame) and start building our own ideas. That's one of the big problems with mainstream conservatism - they defined themselves by being against Soviet Communism, but then the Soviet Union collapsed, and mainstream conservatism has never really recovered. They've spent a quarter century looking for a new foreign bogeyman to define themselves by being against, and it's been a disaster. I don't think I can name one thing that I'm convinced that mainstream conservatism is actually *for* as opposed to just being against (they're certainly not for social conservatism - not anymore, not in any meaningful sense).
Build your own ideas - that's the key.

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Liked by: Lucida Shell NO NAME

Have you read the news of Moldbug being disinvited from that Strange Loop tech conference?

"There's a guy out there who says that there's a concerted movement among leftists to shut down the free speech of people who disagree with them politically by taking over every space in which they could conceivably speak, and then denying them a platform. Let's disprove this madman's paranoid fantasies by making sure that he's denied a platform to speak at a tech conference because of his political beliefs."


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