

Ask @antidem

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are you controlled by Jews??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done in the name of love?

As I'm sure you can imagine, I'll do anything for love (but I won't do that).

Is Leavemealoneistan in danger of being invaded by peskyotherpeopleistan?

"Many who grew up in the former America, and a good many today in the South and west, substantially adhere to the old values. They won’t last. We live in the day of the Hive, and in the long run there is no point fighting it.
But for these relics, who like to wind the Harley to a hundred-and-climbing on the big empty roads out west, who throw the deer rifle in the gun rack on the first day of the season, who set out into the High Desert for sheer love of sun and barren rock and sprawling isolation—the terror of guns, of everything, makes no sense.
They—we—grew up with guns. Since nobody ever shot anybody accidentally or otherwise, we accepted as obvious: that people, not guns, committed murder. Did shotguns leap into the air of their own volition, point themselves, and open fire? Or did someone pull the trigger? If a murderer shot his victim, did you put the gun in jail, or the murderer? If remote urban barbarians below the level of civilization shot people, what did that have to do with us?
A different America, a different culture. We really were free. You could come out of the house on a summer morning and let the dogs run loose in the fields, nobody ever having heard of a dog license. You could change the oil in your car or rewire your basement without the county meddling. You could shoot varmints eating your garden and no one cared. The government left you alone. This is not an unimportant part of the dispute over guns—wanting to be left alone. Nobody in America, ever again, is going to be left alone. Not ever."
-Fred Reed

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Liked by: Preston S. Brooks

High ranking cleric in my country (Orthodox) has numerous times stated that he firmly believes communism was better for the Church than liberalism. (he was priest under communism too). Comment ?

>implying that liberalism and communism aren't just two different versions of the same basic thing.
In 1991, we all thought we saw communism collapse, and that now we were rid of it forever. Unfortunately, we were wrong. What we actually saw was the end of an evolutionary struggle between two different subspecies of communism, which, like neanderthals and early man, were competing for the same evolutionary niche. Marx-style economic communism lost that battle, and Gramsci-style cultural communism won it. So yes, one strain of communism died out - but once it did, the dominant strain was all the more strengthened.
But that said, your cleric is right. There is nothing more corrosive to traditional faith and culture than western-style liberalism. Communism's defining characteristic is that it destroys whatever it tries to save. Economic communism wrecked the economies of the east, from Kaliningrad to Pyongyang and everything in between (one marvels at a system that somehow manages to make Germans inefficient and Chinese unindustrious). Cultural communism, on the other hand, has wrecked the culture of the west, and will continue to do so until its own "1991 moment" occurs. Let us pray that it comes soon.

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Liked by: Cato Skylark Ian NO NAME

What makes you special or unique?

Well, I can eat my own weight in Ding Dongs, I can turn red traffic lights green just by staring at them, and I can do an oil painting with my butt.
Oh, and I can remember dialog from 22-year-old episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast.

If you have a problem with getting women to like you: Consider that there are ugly-as-fuck PUAs who still manage to acquire lots of tail even though they have NOTHING to offer in the long term. Aren't you doing something wrong?

I guess not giving a shit *is* doing something wrong, in terms of establishing relationships with women.
Liked by: Furlan

Why do you like anime girls so much?

What I love about anime is its highly traditional depictions of women and gender roles. This lass, for example, allures me with her prominent traditionalism!
Liked by: NO NAME

Oh, come on, man. We know you've gone 3DPD for the girl from Gotham. And Bettie Page.

Not. Even. Once.
A set of bad experiences, all of which happened in very short order and are very related to why I left Twitter, served as the coup de grâce on my taste for 3D women. Frankly, I'm not even that into 2D women anymore. Increasingly, I just kind of want to be left alone.

Is the so-called Golden Rule bullshit?

Were I thinking independent of my religion, I would consider Anton LaVey's version of it - "Do unto others as they actually do unto you" - to be the most ethical formulation of the idea. In other words, for those who have treated you with kindness (especially when there was nothing in it for them), treat them with kindness. But those who slammed their door in your face when you were in need, they will get your door slammed in their face when they are in need. Those who have forgiven you when you have transgressed will be forgiven by you when they transgress; those who have held grudges and refused to forgive will not themselves be forgiven. And so on.
That would seem to be the most ethical way to handle things if I were thinking independent of my religion. But of course, I can never really think that way.

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Liked by: ratiomon

So... Any idea how to have claims of vote manipulation investigated? I'm unwilling to believe that 23% of a 92% white population would be dumb enough to vote for Pool Boy, an open-borders shill if ever there was one.

No idea, fam. But I'll agree that this was more than mildly suspicious.


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