

Ask @antidem

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With Hestia and NRx outed as being pro cuck, autistic tier control freaks with no real plan do you see them surviving?

I have nothing more to say about the Hestia Society or "official" neoreaction. They are irrelevant - by choice, because voluntary irrelevance is precisely what passivism *is* - so there's really not anything to say about them.
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Do you think you could ever rank your top 100 anime series?

100 is kind of a lot. 10 is much more do-able.

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Third rule is: Don't talk to commies.

How else am I supposed to let them know which work camp they'll be reporting to?
Liked by: G. R. Ian

You read a lot. Is there any value in repressing subvocalization and learning to speed read?

The same value as there is in suppressing taste and speed eating or repressing orgasm and speed fapping. I guess you could, but why not slow down and enjoy it?

Do you think that some liberal racists (i.e.,WNs) are just out to shock, and have only a superficial interest in politics and society?

No, they're just another bunch of delusional utopians who think they've cracked the code to creating a perfect world. Snake-oil utopias are a dime a dozen and have been since the middle of the 18th century. Each one of them is based on an idea that is clear, simple, and wrong. The idea that all we need is white racial purity - no matter how many white communists, feminists, liberals, and degenerates are allowed to create trouble and no matter how historically unstable the system it exists under - is so philosophically one-dimensional and historically ignorant that even by utopian standards it's startlingly dumb.
So yeah - 3edgy5me and all, but in the trash it goes.
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Is Miyazaki's work leftist?

Yes, but only in a certain sense. The Japanese tend to be extremely provincial and to not fully understand foreign political, philosophical, or religious ideas, and Miyazaki is no exception. To this must be added the fact that Miyazaki is a Baby Boomer, and comes from an age in which leftism was (certainly as he half-understood it) the philosophy of peace and anti-militarism. To call his works "leftist" as a 21st century reactionary political theorist understands that term - as a force dedicated to the destruction of the Christian religion, the white race, the Western civilization, the traditional family, all sexual morality, and any effective restraint on chaos - would not really be fair.
That said, I've never been a great fan of Miyazaki's works. I find them to be very hit-and-miss, and for even the good ones to be greatly overrated.

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Anything to plug today?

My latest podcast is live on YouTube, in which I visit the Mojave Air & Spaceport, which serves as a starting point for a discussion of how the left has lost its vision for the future as it has degenerated. I touch on technology, futurism, and the slow collapse of civilization as the desert miles go by.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Ls65pKtJkantidem’s Video 139139160001 D_Ls65pKtJkantidem’s Video 139139160001 D_Ls65pKtJk

Best slice-of-life animus in your opinion?

Honey and Clover, Clannad, Onegai Teacher, Umaru-chan, Bartender, Marmalade Boy, Hanasaku Iroha, Hayate no Gotoku, and Manabi Straight come to mind. Hanada Shonen-shi is a bit of an odd show, but I still enjoyed it.
If someone asked me what I thought life would be like a hundred years after the reactionary Restoration, I'd point them to Aria the Animation. Every reactionary should watch it.

"There's a difference between on the one hand accepting that it's part of life that mistakes happen sometimes, and on the other hand defending the right of leaders to do wrong - both in the sense of "mistaken" and in the sense of "immoral" things" Catholicism lvl, over 9999

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Going beyond mathematical considerations, you may be able to "prove" Chinese opera is beautiful in the sense that it elicits the same response in the brains of its connoisseurs as, e.g., Italian opera does in its. Not objective, but a way to bridge the cultural gap if the neurology is similar.

Sure, but how to bridge cultural gaps wasn't the question at hand.

Name something from the past that you hold on to!

Oddly enough, the oldest possession that I still have in my inventory is a blue nylon lanyard I bought in 1991 while I was studying for my Private Pilot license. It was originally meant to hold a mini Maglite around my neck for night flying. It currently has a 128GB flash drive hanging from it - a device that was simply unimaginable when I bought the lanyard.

What went so wrong with white colonialism ?

Sir Piragon The 3rd
That idiots like Winston Churchill decided to fight other white powers over their colonies instead of wondering whether an enormous and viciously bloody civil war among Christian European nations might end up just benefitting communists, democrats, liberalism, America, Jews, and mud people worldwide instead.
Liked by: G. R.

Is this the most Cathedral article of all time? https://www.google.com/amp/foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/28/its-time-for-the-elites-to-rise-up-against-ignorant-masses-trump-2016-brexit/amp/?client=safari#

Die Lösung
Nach dem Aufstand des 17. Juni
Ließ der Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbands
In der Stalinallee Flugblätter verteilen
Auf denen zu lesen war, daß das Volk
Das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt habe
Und es nur durch verdoppelte Arbeit
zurückerobern könne. Wäre es da
Nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung
Löste das Volk auf und
Wählte ein anderes?
Liked by: G. R.


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