
Arturo Eduardo

Ask @ardentarturo

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don't let one moron get the best of you. he don't know what he is talking about

yeah thank you, i just get annoyed quickly and he's extremely disrespectful but forget him anyways seriously thank you for asking me all these questions and getting to know about me although idk who u are

why do people tease you? if you don't want to say I understand

idk like maybe because i wear toms, and "toms are for faggots" thats probably the only thing i can think off that has actually ever been said to me this year by this really immature and obnoxious kid in algebra because i told him to shut up.... on the contrary people usually compliment me about what i wear and how i dress
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

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forget the haters they just mad cuz they cant be like you

haha ok so i used to think that and i still do a little but it sounds kind of stuck up don't you think? in a way. "Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya"
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

do you have a Spanish accent when you talk

no, unless i talk for too long i may enunciate a word with a slight accent or just incorrectly and yeah but accents are hot at least not the really strong accents
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

have you ever been teased before

yeah, i still do sometimes but i brush it off because it's usually people who don't know me, idc what people think about whether they know me or not because i know who I am (with the addition of some friends/probably like 2)
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

whats happens if you injected with penicillin

i will have little bumps on my skin, they look like goosebumps it's not really much of a major reaction where my throat puffs up or anything and i get asphyxiated. no nothing like that well at least i don't think because i haven't taken too much of the medication before
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

do people mistake your race for other things? if yes what

someone told me i looked Armenian and people believe me when i tell them I'm half Vietnamese.... also when we had to pretend we were the sons of my Spanish teacher, he wanted a diversity of culture to randomly walk into his class and pretend we were his kids but he didn't want any mexicans because he was mexican and he asked me if i was mexican so idk i guess i don't look mexican :(
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

are you a friendly person

yeah, i am friendly like before i know a person unless they annoy me before i even get to know them then i can be pretty rude but i respect others even if they don't respect themselves i don't see why not

which did you learn first Spanish or English also which do you speak more

Spanish first then English and..... i speak English more tbh but i speak Spanish fluently
Liked by: Mayra Lopez

Would you ever move back to Thunderbird HS ?

i want to, i really do but my parents aren't willing to transfer me back because i already got transferred to sunnyslope and yeah it's just mexican parents are pretty stubborn and then again idk because i feel like i actually did great my sophomore year at sunnyslope and how the fights are entertaining and i don't know, but i miss tbird because of the people who i was close with and made me laugh fuck mr. vega and fuck mr. matson
Liked by: Mayra Lopez


Language: English