

Hi YM, can u help me please, I dont understad the concept of "DOP" or "Sick" or 쩔어 (why bighit always change everything? lol) and what is this? A comeback/repackage/or just a new video from the last album?? I didnt see any new song nor album then I don't understand what is this. Thnx. ^^

There's no repackage~ they're just promoting another song as a followup song from their album that's all~

Latest answers from 유미

Hi, i actually have a question regarding the answering for the fancafe. can i mail you regarding it?

Hi, I’m sorry for the late reply. I’m not using ask fm anymore actually. I’m not sure what questions you have regarding it actually?

Does age matter to you in a relationship?

I’m particular with it, it gotta be someone older than me ? not that I have any experience or choice but yeahhhhhhhhh

Do you believe that we have lived past lives?

I believe bangtan had found each other and lived together in their past lives

Have you ever been stalked by someone?

kinda :/ I had to change my phone number then i got rid of them..

Do you think someone worried about you if you shut your phone for a full day??

nope. its just normal for me to be uncontactable

Do you sleep with your music on ?

I don't. I switch off my wifi and data when I sleep. I did switch on music when I'm especially emotional or when I have very bad sleep paralysis though.

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