
Ashleyy Murphy

Ask @ashleyymarie225

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she doesn't have anger issues, so stfu. but ashley, you are a terrible bestfriend for taking alex's side over dani's. & lol, you prob took his side cause you like him. lmao, little thirsty cunt. a real friend would be helping dani because she's heartbroken that he screwed her over. way to go, ash.

Okay one I don't like alex! So get your Shit together and I swear one more person says he "screwed her over" is gonna get their ass kicked! HE DID NOTHING WRONG! It was a dare! It's not hi fault! And I'm not on people's "sides" I'm just saying the facts so get the fuck off my site
Liked by: rina

Pahleeze Megan hahaha thank u I needed that laugh hahaha oh wow it's hard to type I'm laughing so much


ASH DOES HAVE ANGER ISSUES SO U BETTER WATCH UR BACK CUz me and ash will be at ur door well ash is perf stop being jealous


silly anon trying to be all helpful when actually anon doesn't even know, I think one of her best friends would know more than anon. and Ashley doesn't have anger issues. silly anon(;

Right ily Kay
Liked by: kayla

Kasey y do u speak lies? Ashley u do have anger and it will eat u up inside please find a loving person u can talk to. I'm not saying it to be mean allow your hurts to be healed and to forgive please find someone professionally

Leave kasey out of this and get the fuck off my site

Sticks and stones.... I think u need to see a professional about your anger issues

To bad I don't have anger issues you just annoy the Fuck out of me
Liked by: kayla

Any insult u chuck my way I can handle cuz I'm right u seem to get really mad don't ya. You can swear and say mean things it doesn't change anything it just makes you the bully!!!

Come off anon you pussy

Uhh no! Bullying does not have to happen more than once I don't know where ya got that redic idea! Sooo you're not a bully if u only hurt someone once?!! Dah a person is a bully when they DELIBERATELY hurt someone even if its a dare. You're a bully the second u start being mean sooo ya get it finall

You're the stupidest person I have ever met in my life. You need to gtfo bc you're starting to get me pissed

1. whoever is under me it's not bullying it's just it hurt my feelings and made me embarrassed 2. (this ones for ash) he's not asking me out in person, we didn't talk before that and now after it he's not asking me out, we hate each other

Danielle Wydro
Ik I was saying he was going to when you guys liked eachother

Did he hurt dani? We all know the answer is YES so in plain ENGLISH - hurting people is WRONG!!! And doing it knowingly is being a BULLY! You cannot change the facts no matter how many times you say he did nothing wrong. Would it be ok if it was done to u?

Ok well I have gotten bullied before and know the fucking definition of bulling! It's when you hurt someone more than once! Did he hurt her feelings ONCE! You retard! He didn't do anything wrong it was a dare he asked her out she said yes and he had to tell her it was a dare bc he wanted to ask her out In person so get your fucking head on straight and know everything that's going on before you start talking shit

Here's English - stop allowing others to excuse their nastiness. Alex was wrong and on purpose hurt dani it's not ok just be cuz it's a dare or that dani did it too! It's just WRONG and MEAN stop being a bully and actually have the kahunas to stop someone else from being a bully! Bully's are terrib

Alex is not a "bully" he did nothing wrong so gtfo

Ashely, your really nice. and we don't talk anymore at all. but imu. and text mee. OMG Freddy's 5K run was soo fun.. remember the guy who randomly screamed "SHIT." we'll that was the funniest thing ever. lololol okok bye

Haley Hirsch
Haha yes! I miss you too!
Liked by: Danielle Wydro


Language: English