Ask @aye_sn

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What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

In these eighteen years that i have lived, i learnt every single day and each thing is as important as the other.
I learnt that people come and go, no one really stays. I learnt that everything changes; feelings, people, nothing stays the same. I learnt not to grieve over what I lost but to smile at the memories I had made. I learnt that what is meant to be will be and what is not meant to be won’t, no matter what. I learnt that no one really cares what you’re going through; they just want you to be okay, if most. I learnt that every hard time passes by. I learnt that happy moments pass by too so you should live them while you can. I learnt that you should never trust anyone nor believe in any promise. I learnt that words are just words, actions are what matter. I learnt that sometimes staying silent is the best thing to do. I learnt that when you are young, you will make mistakes but that’s alright because it helps you grow. I learnt that you should be true to yourself and not change for anyone. I learnt that there will always be hardships but we have to build ourselves strong enough to face them alone. I learnt that it’s okay to be sad. I leant that it’s okay to let go. I learnt that it’s okay to cut people off because they are hurting you. I learnt that it’s okay not to be enough because everyone is flawed and nothing is ever enough. I learnt that it’s okay to do things that make yourself happy. I learnt how to love and respect myself so I didn’t need anyone else to.

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When we're sad we see the mystery in things. When we're happy we see the light in things. Which is more true? Why?

I think, when we are happy we see the light in things. For when we are sad we usually only ponder upon the reason(s) why instead of seeing the mystery in things.
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What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness

I stand between myself and complete happiness.
As for me there is no such thing as "complete" happiness, only a tad bit of happiness that fades out as soon as it fade in since i am aware of the quick passage of time and how it will end, leaving me wanting for more and more. So i never really get too happy, or completely happy because i can not allow myself to be caught up in fleeting moments and euphoria.

Language: English